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This is a config file reference. Click for instructions.

This page is reference material which explains every setting and option for this section of an MPF yaml config file. See the instructions for config files for formatting and other details. See our guide to config file examples for more examples of real configs in action.

Valid in
machine config files YES ✅
mode config files YES ✅

The playlists: section of your config is where you configure non-default parameter values for any playlist assets you want to use in your game. (This section is part of the MPF media controller and only available if you're using MPF-MC for your media controller.)

Here is an example:

# ---------------------
# ---------------------
    shuffle: false
    repeat: false
      - voiceAnnouncerNewsFlash1
      - voiceAnnouncerMessage1
      - voiceAnnouncerAliensAttack1
    shuffle: true
    repeat: true
    crossfade_mode: override
    crossfade_time: 5s
      - soundHighScore001
      - soundHighScore002
      - soundHighScore003
      - soundHighScore004
# ---------------------
# ---------------------
  # -------------------
      playlist: playlistIntro
      action: play
  # -------------------
      playlist: playlistHighScore
      shuffle: true
      repeat: true
      action: play
      action: stop

Required settings

The following sections are required in the playlists: section of your config:


List of one (or more) values, each is a type: string. Defaults to empty.

If you want to use a sound that has spaces in its name, the name of the sound must be in quotes: :

            * song_01
            * song_02
            * "song 03" \# example of a sound with a space in its name using quotes
            * song_04

Optional settings

The following sections are optional in the playlists: section of your config. (If you don't include them, the default will be used).


Single value, type: one of the following options: use_track_setting, override. Default: use_track_setting

The crossfade_mode: of a playlist determines whether the playlist uses the track crossfade_time setting or the crossfade_time specified in the playlist. Options for crossfade_mode: are:

  • use_track_settings - Use the crossfade_time specified in the playlist track.
  • override - Use the crossfade_time specified in the playlist.


Single value, type: time string (secs) (Instructions for entering time strings). Default: 0

The number of seconds over which to crossfade between sounds in the playlist. This value is ignored when crossfade_mode: is set to use_track_setting.


List of one (or more) events. Those will be posted by the device. Defaults to empty.

A list of one or more names of events that MPF will post when this playlist loops back to the beginning while playing. The playlist will only loop if repeat: is set to True. Enter the list in the MPF config list format. These events are posted exactly as they're entered.


List of one (or more) events. Those will be posted by the device. Defaults to empty.

A list of one or more names of events that MPF will post when this playlist is played. Enter the list in the MPF config list format. These events are posted exactly as they're entered.


List of one (or more) events. Those will be posted by the device. Defaults to empty.

A list of one or more names of events that MPF will post when a new sound is played while the playlist is played. Enter the list in the MPF config list format. These events are posted exactly as they're entered.


List of one (or more) events. Those will be posted by the device. Defaults to empty.

A list of one or more names of events that MPF will post when a playlist sound has finished playing. Enter the list in the MPF config list format. These events are posted exactly as they're entered.


List of one (or more) events. Those will be posted by the device. Defaults to empty.

A list of one or more names of events that MPF will post when this playlist has finished playing. Enter the list in the MPF config list format. These events are posted exactly as they're entered.


Single value, type: boolean (true/false). Default: false

Flag indicating whether or not the playlist will repeat when all sounds have been played or just stop.


Single value, type: one of the following options: machine, player. Default: machine

Whatever this playlist should be persisted per player or machine-wide.


Single value, type: boolean (true/false). Default: false

Flag indicating whether or not the playlist will be played in order (shuffle: True or randomized (shuffle: False) for playback.

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