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Proximity Switches

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Proximity switches operate via the interaction of the ball within a magnetic field created by the switch. Unlike a reed switch, which also uses a magnetic field to sense the ball, proximity switches differ in that they do not have any moving parts. However, a voltage must be applied and they require additional circuitry compared to a reed switch. Alien pinball (heighway Pinball, 2017) makes signifigant use of proximity switches in liu of the traditional thru-playfield mechanical leaf-blade style switches. An advantage of proximity switches (other than not needing to make thru-playfield cuts or have mechanical parts wear out), is that they can be designed with different levels of sensitivity, or even made tunable.

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For homebrew pinball applications, while they are not typically available from major pinball suppliers due to their scarcity in current and past pinballs, there are a few online sources of these switches -- including the exact ones used in Alien Pinball.

Wiring will depend on the exact switch used. With SW-16 switch boards, the use of pull-up resistors will likely be required when supplying a direct input to the switch ports. FAST boards should work similarily.

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