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Game Start Sequence

This sequence document starts with the attract mode running and ends with the running.

  1. The player pushes a button tagged with "start". The time is noted.

  2. The player releases that button. (This is important because in MPF it's possible to do different things based on a so-called "long press" of the start button. For example, you might start the machine in tournament mode, or allow players to select a player profile. So the game start process doesn't actually begin until the start button is released.)

  3. The Attract mode posts the boolean event request_to_start_game. See the section below about the "How the request_to_start_game event works."

    1. The ball controller makes sure there are enough balls and that they are all gathered.
    2. Other modules make sure they are ready for the game to start and deny it if not.
  4. The attract mode's result_of_start_request is the callback for the request event. If the result is True, this process continues.

  5. The attract mode posts an event game_start.

  6. The game mode is registered as a handler for the game_start event, so it starts.

  7. The game mode posts a queue event called game_starting.

    1. The score reels reset themselves
    2. The auditor enables itself
    3. Info lights reset
  8. The game mode's game_start() method is the callback for that queue event which is called when that event is finished.

  9. The game mode calls its _player_add() method.

    1. The first player is created
    2. The number of players is updated
  10. The game mode posts the event game_started .

  11. The game mode calls its player_turn_start() method.

At this point we have a running game!

How the "request_to_start_game" event works

When a player pushes (and releases) the start button during attract mode, the Attract Mode code posts an MPF event called request_to_start_game.This event is not a normal event that is just posted and forgotten, rather, it's a special type of event called a "boolean event." When a system component posts a boolean event, it actually watches for responses from every other component that is watching for that event. If this event is posted and nothing speaks up to stop it, then the module that posted that event will continue. But if anything "kills" that event, that will cause whatever module that posted it to not proceed. This can be a bit confusing, so let's go through this in plain English:

  1. When a player pushes and releases the start button, the attract mode says, "Hey! I'd like to start a game now. Does anyone have a problem with that?
  2. This gives other components a chance to pipe up and say, "Yeah! I have a problem with that. You're not starting a game!"
  3. If no one speaks up, the attract mode will say, "Ok, I'm posting a follow up event to kick off the game start process."
  4. But if any component denies the start, then the attract mode will do nothing, and the game doesn't start.

So what types of components might register to watch for and/or interrupt the game start request? Lots of them.

The ball controller watches for this event and will make sure that the game has the minimum number of balls installed, and that those balls are all in their "home" positions. If everything is ok when the game start request comes in, then the ball controller will do nothing, allowing the start to proceed. But if the start request comes in an the ball controller doesn't have enough balls, it will "kill" the start request, and the game won't start. (When something kills an event like this, it's up to that component to make it obvious to the player what's going on. For example, the ball controller might put a message on the DMD which says something about balls being missing.)

Another component that might care about this game start request is the credits module. If the machine is not set to free play, then when the request_to_start_game event is posted, the credits module will make sure there's at least one credit on the machine. If not, then it will kill the event and not allow the game to start.

At this point you might be wondering what the point of all this is? Why have these start request events? Isn't this overly complicated? Why not just have MPF check all these things on its own?

The beauty of these types of events is that it makes it easy to customize and add features and components to MPF without the core MPF software knowing (or caring) what's installed and what might be starting an event. The MPF core doesn't know about credits or free play or any of that. It just says, "Hey, I want to start a game. Is that cool?" If you don't have a credits module, or if the credits module isn't active because the machine is on free play, then the credits module isn't there to deny the start and MPF can start the game no problem. But if then if you add or enable the credits module,then this start request process is what gives that random module a "hook" into the game starting process.

The real power of this comes with future flexibility. You might want to create some other type of component that we never thought of. (Maybe you don't want any new games to start after 11pm or something?) Thanks to this request event, you can write your own module as a simple snap-in which "hooks" this game start event, and MPF doesn't need to know about the details, and you don't have to resort to a "hack" of the MPF core to hook in whatever future crazy module you have. It's very cool!

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