Troubleshooting P-Roc/P3-Roc
If you got problems with your hardware platform we first recommend to read our troubleshooting guide. Here are some hardware platform specific steps:
P/P3-Roc Does Not Show Up In Device Manager or dmesg Log
If your P/P3-Roc does not show up in device manager (Windows) or does
not create a line in dmesg
or lsusb
(Linux/Mac) have a look at the
USB cable and connection. Bad cables are a thing (especially for longer
cables). Try removing USB hubs.
Is the board powered up? Are the four blue LEDs circling? If not check your power supply.
ImportError in MPF Log
If you see something along this in your log:
in <module>
from mpf.platform.pinproc.x86.python36 import pinproc
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found
This usually means that the FTDI libs are not installed in the correct
version. On Linux pinproc might not be installed at all. On Windows
Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio
might also be missing in
the correct version. Have a look a the
install instructions for your OS to find and install the correct requirements.
Failed to reset P/P3-Roc
If you see this repeatedly in the log of MPF:
Failed to reset P/P3-Roc: OSError: Error in WriteData: wrote 0 of 8 bytes. Is your P/P3-Roc connected and powered up?
Will retry creating PinPROC and resetting it in 1s.
This usually means that the P/P3-Roc is either not powered up or not connected.
Random Crashes of MPF
You might see errors such as the following (usually in
OSError: Error in WriteData: wrote 0 of 8 bytes
This error is triggered by communication issues with the P/P3-Roc. Often this is caused by an unreliable power supply or overload on the 5V rail of that supply. This might also be caused by a bad USB cable. In any case you should also find USB communication errors in your operating system which might give you further clues.
Run Hardware Scan
Using mpf hardware scan
you can find out if your P/P3-Roc is talking
properly to MPF using USB. Additionally, it will show you which SW-16
are connected:
$ mpf hardware scan
Firmware Version: 2 Firmware Revision: 6 Hardware Board ID: 1
SW-16 boards found:
- Board: 0 Switches: 16 Device Type: A3 Board ID: 0
- Board: 1 Switches: 16 Device Type: A3 Board ID: 1
- Board: 2 Switches: 16 Device Type: A4 Board ID: 2
Unfortunately, MPF cannot know which PD-16
are connected
as this information is not available. See
firmware_upgrade for details.
Enable Debugging
If you got problems with your platform try to enable debug
first. As
described in the
general debugging section of our
troubleshooting guide this is done by adding debug: true
to your p_roc
debug: true
This will add a lot more debugging and might slow down MPF a bit. We recommend to disable/remove it after finishing debugging.
Enable Bus Tracing
If your hardware behaves different from the way you told it to in MPF or if you are seeing lags or delays it might be wise to turn on bus tracing.
debug: true
trace_bus: true
This logs all calls to libpinproc. This will cause a lot of additional log lines and might considerably slow down MPF. Definitely disable this after you finished debugging.
Upgrade the Firmware of Your P/P3-Roc
If you experience problems around hardware rules or such consider upgrading your P/P3-Roc firmware. Sometimes bugs in the firmware get fixed or stuff becomes more robust. For some known cases MPF will crash intentionally and tell you to upgrade but there might be cases which we do not know.
See How to update the Firmware of the P-Roc or P3-Roc for details about firmware upgrades.
Switches Are Not Registering
If your coils are working but switches are not registering please check the following points:
On the P-Roc
- Is 12V power available? This will disable switches but not much else.
- Is ground connected properly to your switches?
On the P3-Roc
- Do your SW-16 show in
mpf hardware scan
? (see above) - If not: Is the SW-16 bus connected properly (and not twisted)?
- Is ground connected properly to your switches? Should be connected to pin 10 on J2 or J6 of SW-16.
Some Drivers Are Not Working
If some drivers are working but other are not.
On the P-Roc
If you see the following message on your console (not log; you might
have to use the -t
commandline flag to see them):
Refusing to update driver #144; polarity differs on non-custom machine.
This means that the polarity which is defined for your machine type (i.e. WPC) does not match your driver definition. If you see this please tell us in the MPF user forum and we will investigate this with you.
All Coils Turn On When I Power Up My Machine
If this happens and MPF is not yet running you likely do not have common ground between high voltage and logic power. Turn your machine off and only turn it back on when you have fixed and verified common ground. Read the section about common ground for details or consult an electrical engineer.
If this happens shortly after MPF started and you are using a P-Roc this
might have to do with the polarity of your coils. Check the polarity
setting and make sure you configured the correct machine type as there
are different defaults in different machine types.
In any case we recommend that you test this with either less voltage (i.e. 12V instead of 48V) or by using lamps instead of coils on your outputs as that will prevent hardware damage due to overcurrent.
Serial Bus Issues
Bad Cables/Interference
Each serial bus connector has a + and a - pin. The serial cables connect from board to board like jumper-cables + to + and - to -. Connecting ground pins on the serial bus is not required. A bad serial cable can be difficult to diagnose, particularly if it is the first serial cable in a chain as it will prevent signals to all boards downstream of the bad connection. One clue that a bad serial cable is present is if some of the boards function but others do not. Another clue which is sometimes present on the driver bus is discovered looking at the driver boards watchdog timer indicator. On the PD-LED the watchdog is indicated by a lit diode D3. On the PD-16 it is diode D11. The watchdog turns off when the board is receiving signal over the driver bus from the P3-ROC when MPF is running (including attract mode). If wiggling serial cables causes the watch dog to light, a loos connection or bad cable is present. While the switches bus does not have an equivelent watchdog, the game's switch status screen can be monitored while wiggling cables looking for a loose connection. It is possible for the vibration of a mechanism (notoriously from a pop bumper) to cause intermittent faults in a poorly connecting serial cable. Such intermittent faults are difficult to diagnose.
The P3-ROC interfaces to the playfield through two serial busses. The switches serial bus connects SW-16 boards through J11 and/or J14. The driver serial bus connects PD-16 and PD-LED boards through J12 and J15. The serial busses are designed to allow boards to be connected in a daisy chain fashion to each plug. A sourse of unreliable communication on the buses is improper termination. The last board on each chain (not to be confused with the board with the highest address) should have dipswitch 8 set to ON. For example is the switches serial bus has 6 boards with J11 connecting to board A B and C and J14 connecting to boards D, E and F, dipswitch 8 should be set to ON on boards C and F and set to OFF on all other SW 16 boards. (Terminating board B would prevent communication from board C on that side of the chain.) The same termination strategy also applies to driver boards. For example if a mix of PD-LED and PD-16 boards connect through J15 as A, B, C, D, and E with E being the last board, board E would have dipswitch 8 set to ON.
Additionally, the P3-ROC board itself also has termination dip switches (7 and 8) for the switches serial bus plugs. These should be set to ON. There are no termination dip switches for the driver bus on the P3-ROC board.
Correct Addressing
Each of the SW-16 boards requires a unique binary address which is set by the board's dipswitches 1 through 6. Although the P3-ROC has two serial switch connectors (J11 and J14) there is only one serial switch bus. Meaning, if one SW-16 board connects to the P3-ROC through J11 and another through J14 the SW-16 boards will still require separate addresses to be properly registered.
Similarly, the PD-16 and PD-LED driver boards also each require an unique address on the driver bus accessed through J12 and J15 on the P3-ROC. If for instance a PD-16 and a PD-LED share on the same address, commands through the driver serial bus meant to drive LEDs can acutate coils even if the boards are interfacing through different plugs.
On the SW-16, PD-16 and PD-LED boards themselves dipswitch addressing is somewhat counterintuitive. Switch one is the lowest address bit and on the SW-16 switch 6 is the highest. Reading the switch block from left (starting at switch 1) to right, binary address zero would be 000000, address one through four would be 100000, 010000, 110000 and 001000, respectively. The PD-LED sets addresses on dipswitches 1 through 5 and the PD-16 uses dipswitches 1 through 4 giving these boards fewer address possibilities than the SW-16 which uses switches 1 through 6.
Coils Are Not Firing
What to do if your coils are not working?
Coils Are Not Firing
What to do if your coils are not working?
Check if Your Hardware is Working at all
Sounds stupid but this is a good start: Is the hardware working at all?
Do you see switch hits in the logs? If not, check our section
Your hardware is not working at all
Check the Watchdog
If switches (or other features of the platform) are working but coils
are not we have to dig deeper. Most hardware platforms have some kind of
watchdog. Often there is some LED which indicates if the watchdog is
received. The MPF log might also contain clues (especially if you have
enabled debug
and run MPF with verbose flags -v -V
). If the watchdog
is not received by your platform it will not enable coils.
In most cases watchdog related problems indicate wiring problems. Check if your boards are properly wired.
Test Your Coil Numbers using MPF Service CLI
Hardware is connected and generally working, watchdog is good but still your coils are not working? Maybe something with the numbering is odd. Lets tests that using the MPF Service CLI. Alternatively, you can also use service mode if you have already configured it. Both ways work similarly.
To use service cli:
- Open two consoles
- Start your game (e.g. using
mpf both
) - Start the service cli from within your game folder using
mpf service
. - Type
and pressENTER
to see a list of coils. - Type
coil_pulse your_coil
and pressENTER
to pulse it.
Does it work? If not check the log and try verify the coil number. If
you do not specify default_pulse_ms
MPF will use 10ms
which might
not be enough for some mechs. Try to increase that gently (maybe 20ms
or 30ms
Reducing light update rate
If you got a lot of lights you might run into bus contention issues. You can reduce the light update rate in MPF:
default_light_hw_update_hz: 30 # defaults to 50
If you set this too low fades will be less smooth but otherwise it should not affect your game.
Your hardware is not working at all
If your hardware is not working at all make sure that you removed the
options -X
, -x
and --vpx
from your mpf both
or mpf game
command line. Those options will overwrite the settings in your
section and MPF will not even try to connect to your
hardware. If you got config errors we suggest you add -X
to figure
things out without interfacing real hardware all the time. Just keep
that option in mind.
Another stupid thing to check: Is your hardware connected to your PC? We know it is stupid but a loose USB connector has happened to most of us.
On Linux you might want to run the command lsusb
which should show
both of your micro controllers connected. You should see two lines
similar to
Bus 002 Device 014: ID 0483:5740 STMicroelectronics Virtual COM Port
Bus 002 Device 015: ID 0483:5740 STMicroelectronics Virtual COM Port
If you are unsure about the output, run the command once with your controllers connected and once without. If there is no difference, then for sure the USB device is not properly connected.
Add debugging to related devices
If you got problems with some switches also add debug: true
to those
as it will give to more insights into the intentions of those devices.
Same will work for flippers, coils, lights, servos, steppers and more.
general debugging section for details.
Run MPF with verbose flag
general debugging section for details. TLDR: run mpf both -t -v -V
Report Your Issue and Ask For Help
If you cannot find the issue yourself please prepare some information about your issue according to our troubleshooting guide and ask in our forum.
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