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MPFWidget is a Godot Node class provided by the MPF-GMC extension. All scenes that will be used as widgets must derive from the MPFWidget class (i.e. have an MPFWidget node as the scene's root node).

Widgets are like mini-slides that can be added to and removed from an existing slide using the MPF widget_player: config block. Widgets are reusable, customizable, and great for popups, hints, and notifications.

Node Configuration


An instance of an AnimationPlayer node that one or more animations named "created", "active", and/or "removed". If an AnimationPlayer node is attached and contains any of those animation names, the respective animation will play on the widget when the widget changes to that state.


Widget instances created by widget_player have initial values that can be overridden with parameters in the slide player configuration.


Single value, type: String. Default: the calling mode's name

When a mode is stopped in MPF, a clear event is broadcast to signal the end of the mode and to remove all slides, widgets, sounds, lights, and shows started by that mode. The value to track this is called "context", and by default each widget has a context of the name of the mode that created it.

If you do not wish for your widget to be removed when the calling mode ends, you can specify a different context value.

Note that if a widget is added to a slide and that slide is removed, the widget will be removed as well, regardless of the widget's context.


Single value, type: String. Default: the widget's file name

Once a widget is instantiated, it can be referenced by its key for actions like update and remove. By default, the widget's file name is used as its key.

In situations you may want multiple instances of a widget, you can specify a key manually. This key will then be used to reference the widget for any future actions. This allows you to use the same widget multiple times on a slide and choose exactly which one you want to update or remove.


Single value, type: 'integer'. Default: 0

This value will be added to the calling mode's priority to determine the overall stack priority of the widget. When a widget is added or removed from the slide, the slide's widgets are sorted with the highest priority widget on top.


MPFWidget does not have any public methods exposed, but custom methods can be added to scene scripts that extend MPFWidget. These methods can be triggered from MPF widget_player with the action: method option. These options are the same as for slides, so see the slide_player: reference for more details.

When a custom function is called, two parameters are passed in: settings, the configuration settings from the widget player config, and kwargs, the arguments from the event that triggered the widget player. If you declared any tokens: in your config for the widget player, those will be available as settings.tokens.

    func my_custom_method(settings, kwargs):
        # Function does stuff here

Godot requires parameters for this function

You don't have to use the settings and kwargs parameters, but you do need to include them in your method.

Godot has a pattern for parameters that are required by a function but not used by it: prefix the parameter name with a single underscore. This tells Godot that you know there is a required parameter but you're not going to use it; otherwise, Godot will give you a warning that the parameter is not used.

func my_custom_method(_settings, _kwargs):


Single value, type Dictionary.

The settings parameter passed to the custom method is the configuration used in the widget_player: config file. It includes settings like priority, action, and the tokens: dictionary if you made one.


Single value, type Dictionary.

The kwargs parameter passed to the custom method is the list of event arguments from the event that triggered the widget_player to be called in the first place.

For example, the player_score event includes arguments for value, prev_value, change, and player_num. If your widget player is triggered by the player_score event, like so:

                action: method
                method: my_method

Then in the func my_method(settings, kwargs): method of you would have access to kwargs.value, kwargs.prev_value, kwargs.change, and kwargs.player_num.

If you're curious what event arguments are available for a given event, look at the MPF log files. Each event is logged with all its arguments, so you can quickly see what's available.

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