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MPFVideoPlayer is a Godot Node class provided by the MPF-GMC extension. It holds a video file for playback and provides convenient controls for end-of-video behavior.

Node Configuration

An MPFVideoPlayer node can be placed anywhere in a slide or widget and offers the following custom properties.


Single value, one of "Restart", "Pause", "Continue". Default: "Restart"

This behavior is triggered when the video player visibility changes (either directly or from an ancestor node's visibility).


When the video is not visible, playback stops. When the video becomes visible again, playback restarts from the beginning.


When the video is not visible, playback is paused. When the video becomes visible again, playback resumes from where it left off.


The video will play regardless of whether it is visible or not.


Single value, one of "Nothing", "Remove Slide/Widget", "Post Event". Default "Nothing"

This behavior is triggered when the video playback finishes and the video is not set to loop.


When the video finishes playing, no special behavior will occur.

"Remove Slide/Widget":

When the video finishes playing, the slide or widget that holds this MPFVideoPlayer will be removed automatically.

"Post Event":

When the video finishes playing, the event video_finished will be posted to MPF. This is in addition to any event configured in the events_when_finished option.


Multiple values, type: String. Default None.

When the video finishes playing, custom events can be posted to MPF. Enter the name of the event here, or multiple events separated by commas. The event(s) will be posted in addition to the end_behavior action.

VideoStreamPlayer Node Configuration

Because MPFVideoPlayer extends from the base Godot VideoStreamPlayer node, the standard video parameters can be used and the most pertinent ones are detailed below.


Single value, type integer. Default 0

If the video stream has multiple audio tracks, you can specify which one to be played with this video.


Single value, type VideoStream. Default None.

This is the video file that will be played by the video player. Use the Quick Load option to find a video in your project folder.


Single value, type integer. Default None.

The volume this video should play at. 0db is the standard volume level, and -80db is silent. Note that this value is mixed into the audio bus the video is playing on.


Single value, type boolean. Default false.

If checked, this video will begin playing immediately when it is added to the scene tree and visible.

If hide_behavior is "continue", it will play immediately even if not visible.


Single value, type boolean. Default false.

If checked, this video will scale to fill the size of the MPFVideoPlayer node. You can manually position and size the video player node to your liking, or let it inherit from its parent container.

If unchecked, the video will play at its native resolution. You will not be able to adjust the size of the video player node.


Single value, type boolean. Default false.

If checked, this video will loop playback.


Single value, type AudioBus. Default Master.

The audio bus that this video's audio will play on. This affects the video's playback level as its volume is mixed into the selected bus, and ducking effects applied to the bus will apply to the video as well.


MPFVideoPlayer does not have any public methods exposed, but custom methods can be added to scene scripts that extend MPFVideoPlayer.

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