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OPP Switches

Related Config File Sections:

For switches, you can use most of the settings as outlined in the switches: section of the config file reference. There are only a few things that are OPP-specific:


OPP switches are numbered sequentially depending on which wing board is the switch input. Wing position 0 contains switch numbers 0 to 7. Wing position 1 contains switch numbers 8 to 15. Wing position 2 contains switch numbers 16 to 23. Wing position 3 contains switch numbers 24 to 31. The switch is numbered using the position of the OPP card (starting at 0), then a '-', and finally the switch number on the card.

Enter them as a combination of board-switch, like 0-12.

    number: 0-15

The above example configures a switch input as the first OPP card, and the second wing board, last input. On the microprocessor card, the input is marked as 1.7 (wing port 1, position 7).

Switch inputs for solenoids follow the same number convention. Since only four inputs are available for each wing card, it uses the first four switch numbers. Solenoid wing 0 uses switch numbers 0 to 3. Solenoid wing 1 uses switch numbers 8 to 11. Solenoid wing 2 uses switch numbers 16 to 19. Solenoid wing 3 uses switch numbers 24 to 27.

Switch inputs for a switch matrix are number slightly differently. To configure an 8x8 switch matrix wing 2 is configured as the matrix input and wing 3 is configured as a matrix output. The OPP hardware strobes the eight outputs while reading from the eight inputs. This allows 64 inputs to be read using only 16 wires. The matrix switch inputs are numbered from 32 to 95. Switches 32 - 39 are column 0, switches 40 -47 are column 1, switch 48 - 55 are column 2, switches 56 - 63 are column 3, switches 64 - 71 are column 4, switches 72 to 79 are column 5, switches 80 to 87 are column 6, and switches 88 to 95 are column 7.

Fully working Example

Lets bring above informaton together and learn by example. Though the following example is a fully working minimal set for the Cobra controller, it is as well helpful to understand the concpet more if you use a different set of hardware. For this example to work physically, you only need to power up the micro controllers, no need for any other power supply on the Cobra board. You need to connect a switch to the switch inputs. See as well in CobraPin Pinball Controller powered by OPP how to connect a switch. In this example I am using 0-0-16 if you use a different switch input, then you need to change the config file. This config.yaml is the only configuration file you need in your project. The config file is fully valid for the Cobra board connected to a Linux PC running mpf. If you have a Cobra board but run Windows or macOS you have to change the ports. If you run a completely different hardware you have to adapt the hardware section.


      platform: opp
      driverboards: gen2

      ports: /dev/ttyACM0, /dev/ttyACM1 # change this if you are not using Linux

         debug: true
         number: 0-0-16 # change this if you have connected the switch to a different input
         tags: switch_tag1, switch_tag2
         events_when_activated: active_event1, active_event2
         events_when_deactivated: inactive_event1

The important part for this example is to understand the events which are being posted. First of all please obey that we have set debug:true, this is necessary to see the events in the mpf monitor. Events are only visible in the mpf monitor when they are either consumed or if the debug:true flag is set. Since we don't consume the event in our example we need to set debug to true. Before you start this mpf project with mpf both please start mpf monitor and activate the window in the monitor to view the events. Now you can press and release the switch and monitor the events being posted. When pressing the switch you should be able to see the following events:

  • my_test_switch_active based on the switch (switch_name)_active
  • sw_switch_tag1 based on the tags sw_(tag_name)
  • sw_switch_tag1_active based on the tags sw_(tag_name)_active
  • Same as the last two, just for the second tag switch_tag2
  • active_event1 based on the configuration events_when_activated
  • active_event2 based on the configuration events_when_activated

Once you release the switch again some events are being fired:

  • my_test_switch_inactive based on the switch (switch_name)_active
  • sw_switch_tag1_inactive based on the tags sw_(tag_name)_active
  • sw_switch_tag2_inactive based on the tags sw_(tag_name)_active
  • inactive_event1 based on the configuration events_when_activated

Please obey the difference in activating and releasing a switch in terms of what events are being fired. When activating a switch the event sw_(tag_name) is being fired, there is no corresponding event when a switch goes inactive. See as well the Events reference.

What if it did not work?

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