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This is a config file reference. Click for instructions.

This page is reference material which explains every setting and option for this section of an MPF yaml config file. See the instructions for config files for formatting and other details. See our guide to config file examples for more examples of real configs in action.

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machine config files YES ✅
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The credits: section of your config contains settings for the credits mode.

There's a full How To guide which walks you through setting up the credits mode, so be sure to read that for the details. This page just contains the settings which control how the credits mode behaves. Here's an example config:

  max_credits: 12
  free_play: false
  price_tier_template: "{{credits}} CREDITS ${{price}}"
  service_credits_switch: s_esc
    - switch: s_left_coin
      type: dollars
      value: .25
    - switch: s_right_coin
      type: dollars
      value: 1
    - price: .50
      credits: 1
    - price: 2
      credits: 5
    - event: special
      type: special
      credits: 1
    - event: replay
      type: replay
      credits: 1
    - event: high_score_credit
      type: high_score
      credits: 1
    - event: match
      type: match
      credits: 1
  fractional_credit_expiration_time: 15m
  credit_expiration_time: 2h
  persist_credits_while_off_time: 1h
  free_play_string: FREE PLAY
  credits_string: CREDITS

Optional settings

The following sections are optional in the credits: section of your config. (If you don't include them, the default will be used).


Single value, type: time string (ms) (Instructions for entering time strings) . Default: 0

The amount of time before any credits on the machine are removed (resetting the number of credits back to 0). This timer only runs while the machine is in attract mode, and its reset each time a new credit (or partial credit) is added to the machine. If a game is played, the timer starts fresh when the game is over and the machine goes back to attract mode. This value is entered as a standard MPF time string and can be minutes, hours, or even days long. Default is 2 hours.


Single value, type: string. Default: CREDITS

This is the text that will make up the credits_string before the number of credits. For example, if there are 2 1/2 credits on the machine, the credits_string will be CREDITS 2 1/2. Default is CREDITS.


Single value, type: time string (ms) (Instructions for entering time strings) . Default: 0

The amount of time before fractions of credits are removed from the machine. This doesn't affect whole credits, so if the machine is sitting there with 2 1/4 credits on it, after this time expires MPF will clear the 1/4 credit leaving 2 whole credits. This timer only runs while the machine is in attract mode, and its reset each time a new credit (or partial credit) is added to the machine. If a game is played, the timer starts fresh when the game is over and the machine goes back to attract mode. This value is entered as a standard MPF time string and can be minutes, hours, or even days long. Default is 15 minutes.


Single value, type: boolean (Yes/No or True/False). Default: yes

Controls whether the machine is in free play mode. Note that if you want your machine to always be in free play mode, then you can also choose to not use the credits mode altogether.


Single value, type: string. Default: FREE PLAY

The text string that will be used in the credits_string machine variable when the machine is in free play. Default is FREE PLAY.


Single value, type: integer. Default: 0

The maximum number of credits you want to allow on the machine. Note that pinball machines can't prevent players from adding money to machines, so be careful with this.

Also note that you can use dynamic values here if you want to do math or use settings to make this configurable.


Single value, type: time string (secs) (Instructions for entering time strings) . Default: 1h

The amount of time that credits will remain on the machine even when MPF is not running. Set to 0 if you do not want to MPF to retain credits when its powered off. The way this works behind the scenes is that whenever a new credit (or a fraction of a credit) is added to the machine, MPF writes that to disk as a persistent machine variable with an expiration time and date based on the current time plus the delay time you add here. When MPF boots up, it loads the credits from the machine variables file and checks their expiration time, and if it's in the past then it doesn't add them back. This value is entered as a standard MPF time string and can be minutes, hours, or even days long. Default is 1 hour.


List of one (or more) values, each is a type: string name of a switches: device. Default: None

This is the name of a switch that's used to add so-called "service credits" to the machine. This switch has a 1-to-1 ratio, meaning that one credit is added to the machine each time this switch is pressed.


The switches: section contains the following nested sub-settings.

A list of switches that, when triggered, add credits (or fractions of a credit) to the machine. Notice that the sub-entries under switches are actually a list with the settings for switch, type, and value, repeated multiple times.

Optional settings

The following sections are optional in the switches: section of your config. (If you don't include them, the default will be used).


Single value, type: string name of a switches: device. Default: None

The name of the switch (from your machine-wide switches: section) for the credit switch.


Single value, type: string. Default: money

What type of currency is being deposited when that switch is hit. This doesn't affect the actual behavior of MPF, rather it's just used in as the column name and for totaling the earnings reports (so you can track "money" separate from "tokens"). You can enter whatever you want here: money, dollars, dinars, etc.


Single value, type: number (will be converted to floating point). Default: 0.25

How much value is added whenever this switch is hit. Notice that there are no currency symbols here or anything. A value of .25 could be 0.25 dollars or 0.25 Euros or 0.25 Francs---it really doesn't matter. The key is that it's 0.25 of whatever monetary system you have.

Also note that you can use dynamic values here if you want to do math or use settings to make this configurable.


Default "{{credits}} CREDITS \${{price}}"

Placeholder to generate the credits string.


The pricing_tiers: section contains the following nested sub-settings.

This is where you actually set your pricing by mapping how many of your monetary units you want to equate to a certain number of credits. The default config is fairly common, with 0.50 currency resulting in 1 credit, with a price break at 2 that gives the player 5 credits instead of 4. (So basically they get one free credit if they put in enough money for 4 credits.) The most important thing to know here is that MPF always requires that 1 credit is used to start a game, and 1 credit is required to add an additional player to a game. So if you want to change the price of your game, you don't change the number of credits per game, rather, you change the number of credits a certain amount of money is worth. The pricing tier discount processing is reset when Ball 2 starts. So if it costs \$0.50 for one credit or \$2 for 5 credits, if the player puts \$0.50 in the machine and plays a game, if they wait until that game is over and deposit another \$1.50, they'll only get 3 more credits. You can have as many pricing_tiers as you want. The first one dictates how much a regular game costs and is required. If you don't want any price breaks, then just add the first one.

Here's an example:

   # ...
    - price: .50
      credits: 1
    - price: 2
      credits: 5


Price for number of credits.

Also note that you can use dynamic values here if you want to do math or use settings to make this configurable.

Optional settings

The following sections are optional in the pricing_tiers: section of your config. (If you don't include them, the default will be used).


Single value, type: integer. Default: 1

The total number of credits that will be added based on this price tier


Single value, type: number (will be converted to floating point). Default: .50

The numeric currency value for this pricing tier.


A list of one or more events with settings which add credits based on MPF events. Like the pricing_tiers section, start each entry here with a minus sign and a space.

   # ...
    - event: special
      type: special
      credits: 1
    - event: replay
      type: replay
      credits: 1
    - event: high_score_credit
      type: high_score
      credits: 1
    - event: match
      type: match
      credits: 1


The event that will trigger a credit action.


String which can be whatever you want, used for audits. This lets you track different types of credits, for example, money in versus replays versus specials versus high score awards, etc.


Numeric value of the number of credits you'd like to award.

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