This is a config file reference. Click for instructions.
This page is reference material which explains every setting and option for this section of an MPF yaml config file. See the instructions for config files for formatting and other details. See our guide to config file examples for more examples of real configs in action.
Valid in | |
machine config files | YES |
mode config files | NO |
You create and configure your diverters in the diverters: section of your machine configuration file. Here's an example from Star Trek: The Next Generation:
#! switches:
#! s_ball1:
#! number:
#! s_ball2:
#! number:
#! s_ball3:
#! number:
#! s_ball4:
#! number:
#! s_ball5:
#! number:
#! s_under_ueft_hole:
#! number:
#! s_under_borg_hole:
#! number:
#! s_under_top_hole:
#! number:
#! s_under_left_hole:
#! number:
#! s_enter_left_ramp:
#! number:
#! coils:
#! c_eject1:
#! number:
#! c_eject2:
#! number:
#! c_eject3:
#! number:
#! c_eject4:
#! number:
#! c_eject5:
#! number:
#! c_top_divertor:
#! number:
#! c_under_divertor_top:
#! number:
#! c_under_divertor_bottom:
#! number:
#! c_top_drop_down:
#! number:
#! c_top_drop_up:
#! number:
#! ball_devices:
#! bd_borg_ship:
#! eject_coil: c_eject1
#! ball_switches: s_ball1
#! bd_catapult:
#! eject_coil: c_eject2
#! ball_switches: s_ball2
#! bd_left_vuk:
#! eject_coil: c_eject3
#! ball_switches: s_ball3
#! bd_left_cannon_vuk:
#! eject_coil: c_eject4
#! ball_switches: s_ball4
#! bd_right_cannon_vuk:
#! eject_coil: c_eject5
#! ball_switches: s_ball5
activation_coil: c_top_divertor # WMS uses the -tor spelling
type: hold
activation_time: 3s
activation_switches: s_enter_left_ramp
enable_events: ball_started
disable_events: ball_ended, borg_lock_Lit
targets_when_active: playfield
targets_when_inactive: bd_borg_ship
activation_coil: c_under_divertor_top
type: hold
activation_time: 3s
activation_switches: s_under_top_hole, s_under_left_hole, s_under_borg_hole
targets_when_active: bd_left_cannon_vuk
targets_when_inactive: bd_left_vuk
feeder_devices: bd_catapult
activation_coil: c_under_divertor_bottom
type: hold
activation_time: 3s
activation_switches: s_under_top_hole, s_under_ueft_hole, s_under_borg_hole
targets_when_active: bd_left_cannon_vuk
targets_when_inactive: bd_left_vuk
feeder_devices: bd_catapult
activation_coil: c_top_drop_down
deactivation_coil: c_top_drop_up
type: pulse
targets_when_active: bd_left_cannon_vuk, bd_right_cannon_vuk, bd_left_vuk
targets_when_inactive: playfield
feeder_devices: bd_catapult
Optional settings
The following sections are optional in the diverters:
section of your
config. (If you don't include them, the default will be used).
List of one (or more) device control events (Instructions for entering device control events). Defaults to empty.
Default: None
Events in this list, when posted, cause this diverter to activate.
Single value, type: string name of a coils: device. Defaults to empty.
The name of the coil that is used to activate your diverter.
List of one (or more) values, each is a type: string name of a switches: device. Defaults to empty.
A list of one or more switches that trigger the diverter to activate. This switch only activates the diverter if the diverter has been enabled (either manually or via one of the enable_events. If you have an activation switch, MPF writes a hardware autofire coil rule to the pinball controller which fires the diverter automatically when the activation_switch is hit. This is done so the diverter will have instantaneous response time, needed to get the diverter to fire in time to catch a fast-moving ball.
Single value, type: time string (ms)
(Instructions for entering time strings). Default: 0
This is how long the diverter stays active once it's been activated. A value of zero (or omitting this setting) means this diverter does not timeout, and it will stay active until it's disabled or you manually deactivate it.
Single value, type: boolean
). Default: true
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Single value, type: time string (ms)
(Instructions for entering time strings). Default: 1s
How long this diverter will be activated for when it is activated during ball search.
Single value, type: integer
. Default: 100
A relative value which controls the order individual devices are pulsed
when ball search is running. Lower numbers are checked first. Set to 0
if you do not want this device to be included in the ball search. See
the Ball Search
documentation for details.
Single value, type: time string (ms)
(Instructions for entering time strings). Default: 0
How long does the diverter need to cool down until the next eject can happen into the diverter?
List of one (or more) device control events (Instructions for entering device control events). Defaults to empty.
Events in this list, when posted, cause this diverter to deactivate.
Single value, type: string name of a coils: device. Defaults to empty.
The name of the coil that's used to deactivate your diverter. You only need to specify this coil if it's a different coil from from activation_coil. (In other words this is only used with diverters that have two coils.)
An example of this is when a drop target is used to block the entrance of a ball device. (For example, the drop target under the saucer in Attack from Mars, the drop target to the left of the upper lanes in Star Trek: The Next Generation, or the middle letter "D" drop target in Judge Dredd.) Each of these has one coil to "knock down" the drop target and a second coil to "reset" the drop target.
By the way, if you have two coils to control a diverter, it doesn't really matter which one is the activation_coil and which is the deactivation_coil. Just know that after the activation_coil is fired, MPF will consider that diverter to be in the active state, and once the deactivation_coil is fired, MPF will consider that diverter to be in the inactive state, and set up your targets accordingly.
List of one (or more) values, each is a type: string name of a switches: device. Defaults to empty.
A list of one or more switches that will deactivate a diverter. (For example, this might be a switch that's "after" the diverter in a subway, so once this switch is activated then MPF knows the ball made it through the diverter and it can deactivate it.)
List of one (or more) device control events (Instructions for entering device control events). Defaults to empty.
Events in this list, when posted, disable this diverter. Typically it's ball_ending (which is posted when a ball is in the process of ending), meaning this diverter will not be enabled when the next ball is started. You might also set a disable event to occur based on the event posted from a mode ending.
List of one (or more) values, each is a type: string name of a switches: device. Defaults to empty.
A list of one more more switches that will automatically disable this diverter. It's optional, since the diverter will also be disabled based on one of your disable_events being posted.
List of one (or more) device control events (Instructions for entering device control events). Defaults to empty.
Events in this list, when posted, enable this diverter. (Remember that enabling a diverter is not the same as activating it.)
List of one (or more) values, each is a type: string name of a
ball_devices: device.
Default: playfield
This is a list of one or more ball devices that can eject balls which have the option of being sent to this diverter. This is an important part of the diverter's ability to automatically route balls to the devices they go to.
When you configure a feeder_device: setting for a diverter, it causes the diverter to watch for balls ejecting from that device. Every ball that's ejected in MPF has a "target" (either a ball device or the playfield), so when a diverter's feeder device ejects a ball, the diverter will see what the eject target is, and if that target is included in the diverter's list of targets_when_active or targets_when_inactive, then the diverter will activate or deactivate itself to make sure the balls gets to where it needs to go.
Single value, type: string name of a
playfields: device. Default:
The name of the playfield that this diverter is on. The default setting is "playfield", so you only have to change this value if you have more than one playfield and you're managing them separately.
List of one (or more) device control events
(Instructions for entering device control events). Default: machine_reset_phase_3
Reset will disable the diverter.
List of one (or more) values, each is a type: string name of a
ball_devices: device.
Default: playfield
This is a list of all ball devices that can be reached by a ball passing through this diverter when it's active. Valid options include the names of ball devices and the word "playfield."
This setting exists because diverters in MPF can be configured so that they automatically activate or deactivate when one of their target devices wants a ball. For example, if you have a diverter on a ramp that will route a ball to a lock when its active, you can add the name of that ball device here. Then if that device ever needs a ball, the diverter will automatically activate to send a ball there. This greatly simplifies programming, because all you have to do is essentially say, "I want this device to have a ball," and MPF will make sure the diverter sets itself appropriately to get a ball to that device.
Let's look at the diverter configuration from Star Trek: The Next Generation included at the top of this section for an example. In the settings for the dropTarget diverter, notice that there are three items in the targets_when_active: list: bd_leftCannonVUK, bd_rightCannonVUK, and bd_leftVUK. This means that when this diverter is active, balls passing through it are able to reach any one of those three ball devices. Note that this particular diverter doesn't exactly know how the ball gets to any of those devices---that's actually handled via additional downstream diverters ( subwayTopDiverter and subwayBottomDiverter). All the dropTarget diverter needs to know is, "If a ball needs to go to one of these three diverters, then I better be active."
List of one (or more) values, each is a type: string name of a
ball_devices: device.
Default: playfield
This is exactly like the target_when_active:above, except it represents the target devices that a ball can reach when this diverter is disabled. Looking at the same dropTarget diverter example from above, we see that when the dropTarget is inactive, the ball is routed to the playfield.
Single value, type: one of the following options: hold, pulse. Default:
Specifies how the activation_coil should be activated. You have two options here:
- MPF will pulse the coil to activate the diverter.hold
- MPF should hold the diverter coil in a constant state of "on" when the diverter is active. Note that if the coil is configured with a default_hold_power, then it will use that pwm pattern to hold the coil on. If no default_hold_power is configured, then MPF will use a continuous enable to hold the coil. (In this case you would need to add allow_enable: true or max_hold_power to that coil's configuration in the coils: section of your machine configuration file.)
Single value, type: one of the following options: none, basic, full.
Default: basic
Log level for the console log for this device.
Single value, type: boolean
). Default: false
Set this to True
to see more debug output.
Single value, type: one of the following options: none, basic, full.
Default: basic
Log level for the file log for this device.
Single value, type: string
. Default: %
Name in service mode.
List of one (or more) values, each is a type: string
. Defaults to
Tags are currently unused.
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