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This is a config file reference. Click for instructions.

This page is reference material which explains every setting and option for this section of an MPF yaml config file. See the instructions for config files for formatting and other details. See our guide to config file examples for more examples of real configs in action.

Valid in
machine config files YES ✅
mode config files NO 🚫

In the logging section you can configure which how verbose parts of MPFs should log.

    asset_manager: none
    ball_controller: none
    ball_search: basic
    bcp: basic
    bcp_client: basic
    bcp_interface: basic
    bcp_server: basic
    clock: none
    config_players: none       # todo
    data_manager: none       # todo subclasses
    delay_manager: none
    device_manager: none
    event_manager: none
    file_manager: none       # todo
    logic_blocks: none
    machine_controller: basic
    mode_controller: basic
    placeholder_manager: none
    platforms: none       # todo
    players: basic       # todo
    plugins: none       # todo
    score_reel_controller: none
    scriptlets: none       # todo
    service_controller: basic
    settings_controller: none
    show_controller: none
    switch_controller: basic
    timers: none
    asset_manager: basic
    ball_controller: basic
    ball_search: basic
    bcp: basic
    bcp_client: basic
    bcp_interface: basic
    bcp_server: basic
    clock: none
    config_players: basic
    data_manager: basic
    delay_manager: none
    device_manager: basic
    event_manager: basic
    file_manager: basic
    logic_blocks: basic
    machine_controller: basic
    mode_controller: basic
    placeholder_manager: basic
    platforms: basic
    players: full
    plugins: basic
    score_reel_controller: basic
    scriptlets: basic
    service_controller: basic
    settings_controller: basic
    show_controller: basic
    switch_controller: full
    timers: none

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