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The following sections are optional in the logic_blocks_common: section of your config. (If you don't include them, the default will be used).


List of one (or more) device control events (Instructions for entering device control events).

Event(s) that will disable this logic block.

A logic block must be enabled to track hits, progress, and to post events.


Single value, type: boolean (true/false). Default: true

True/False (or Yes/No) which controls whether this logic block disables itself once it completes. This does not reset the current value.


List of one (or more) device control events (Instructions for entering device control events).

Event(s) that will enable this logic block.

A logic block must be enabled to track hits, progress, and to post events.

If you don't have any enable_events listed, then the logic block will automatically be enabled when the player's ball starts.


List of one (or more) events.

Events that will be posted when this device is completed.


List of one (or more) events.

Events that will be posted when this device is hit or advanced.


Single value, type: boolean (true/false). Default: false

Boolean setting (yes/no or true/false) which controls whether this logic block remembers where it was from ball-to-ball. If False, then this logic block will reset itself whenever a new ball starts. If True, then this logic block will be saved to the player variable (logic_block_name)_state.

Note that logic block state is reset on mode end when this is False and, as normal modes stop at the end of a ball, the state is always maintained on a per-player basis, regardless of what this setting is configured for.


List of one (or more) device control events (Instructions for entering device control events).

Event(s) that will reset this logic block back to its original value. This has no effect on the enabled/disabled state of the block.

Note that there are also reset_on_complete: and persist_state: settings which also affect how and when the logic block is reset.

You can reset a logic block regardless of whether it's enabled.


Single value, type: boolean (true/false). Default: true

True/False (or Yes/No) which controls whether this logic block resets itself once it completes. This just resets the current value or progress. It does not change the enabled or disabled state.

Note, disable_on_complete default is true, which may seem like reset isn't working. For something like a counter that automatically starts again change disable_on_complete to false.


List of one (or more) device control events (Instructions for entering device control events).

List of one (or more) events which, when posted, will restart this logic block. A restart is a reset, then an enable, combined into a single action.


Single value, type: boolean (true/false).

If true this device will start enabled. If false this device will start disabled. If you omit this the device will start enabled unless you specify enable_events in which case the device will start disabled.

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