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This page is reference material which explains every setting and option for this section of an MPF yaml config file. See the instructions for config files for formatting and other details. See our guide to config file examples for more examples of real configs in action.

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The multiball_locks: section of your config is used to configure ball locks which will lock balls for multiball. Note that if you only want to hold a ball temporarily (like to play a show for an award) and then release it, use the ball_holds: section instead.

Multiball lock devices are smart. They work with physical ball devices but track the number of balls locked virtually which is not necessarily the same as the number of balls that are physically contained in a ball device.

When a ball is locked, it will add a new ball into play from the ball device which is set in default_source_device of your playfield unless the device that just locked it is full, in which case it will eject a ball from the full device. The events that control the ball ejections are queue events, so you can interrupt the delivery of a new ball with the queue_relay_player: (for example, to have a mode selection screen before returning to play).

Whenever a new ball is locked, the event multiball_lock_(name)_locked_ball is posted with an argument "total_balls_locked". When the lock is full, it will post multiball_lock_(name)_full, which you can use as a start event for a related multiballs: to start multiball. (And since the multiball lock tracks the "virtual" ball lock count on a per-player basis, this will still work even if another player previously emptied out the lock. (In that case, the multiball will add any additional balls it needs from the trough.)

Here's an example:

#! switches:
#!   s_ball1:
#!     number:
#! coils:
#!   c_eject:
#!     number:
    eject_coil: c_eject
    ball_switches: s_ball1
##! mode: mode1
    balls_to_lock: 3
    lock_devices: bd_bunker

Each sub-entry under the multiball_locks: section is the name of the multiball lock ("bunker") in the example above. Then each named ball lock has the following settings:

Required settings

The following sections are required in the multiball_locks: section of your config:


Single value, type: integer. Defaults to empty.

The number of balls this ball lock should hold. If one of the associated lock devices receives a ball and this logical ball lock is full, then the ball device will just release the ball again.


List of one (or more) values, each is a type: string name of a ball_devices: device. Defaults to empty.

A list of one (or more) ball devices that will collect balls which will count towards this lock.

Optional settings

The following sections are optional in the multiball_locks: section of your config. (If you don't include them, the default will be used).


Single value, type: integer. Default: -1

By default a multiball lock will immediately replace every ball it locks with a new ball from the default device (i.e. the trough). With this setting you can instruct the lock to replace only up to a certain number of locked balls. A value of 0 means the lock will never replace balls, and -1 means it will always replace balls (default).

This setting is useful for machines that physically lock multiple balls in a lock and replace them from the trough. When a full lock starts a multiball, for example, you may not want the game to add another ball from the trough. Usually this setting will be used in tandem with replace-balls-in-play from multiballs:.

Caution: an improperly configured setting can lead the player to a state where no balls are active on the playfield and the game becomes stuck. See How to create a multiball with a traditional ball lock for instructions and examples.


Single value, type: string. Defaults to empty.

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List of one (or more) device control events (Instructions for entering device control events). Defaults to empty.

Default: None (Note that if you add an entry here, it will replace the default. So if you also want the default value(s) to apply, add them too.)

Event(s) which disable this ball lock, meaning that balls that enter one of the lock devices don't count towards the lock. If you want to set up a ball lock that requires the player to "re-light" the lock after locking a ball, you can set this ball lock's "ball_locked" event as a disable event for this lock and then set some other shot that re-enables the lock as an enable event.


Single value, type: boolean (true/false). Default: false

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List of one (or more) device control events (Instructions for entering device control events). Defaults to empty.

Default: None (Note that if you add an entry here, it will replace the default. So if you also want the default value(s) to apply, add them too.)

Event(s) which enable this ball lock. If this multiball lock is disabled, then a ball entering one of its ball devices does not count towards the lock. You can use this in situations where a player has to hit some other shot to first re-light the lock before a ball can be locked. (In that case you'd use the event posted by the light lock shot as one of the enable_events here.


Single value, type: one of the following options: virtual_only, min_virtual_physical, physical_only, no_virtual. Default: virtual_only

See the general multiball lock documentation for an explanation of how each of these works.


Single value, type: integer. Default: 1

Relative priority when claiming balls entering a device. This can be used to give one ball_hold or multiball_lock preference when claiming balls.


List of one (or more) device control events (Instructions for entering device control events). Defaults to empty.

Event(s) which reset the locked ball counts for all players.


List of one (or more) device control events (Instructions for entering device control events). Defaults to empty.

Event(s) which reset the locked ball count for the current player.


List of one (or more) values, each is a type: string name of a ball_devices: device. Defaults to empty.

Select the source device to use when replacing balls. By default this will use the device defined in lock_devices. If this setting is defined and the defined device does not have a ball the lock will fall back to the default playfield source device.


Single value, type: string name of a ball_devices: device. Default: playfield

The name of the playfield that feeds balls to this lock. If you only have one playfield (which is most games), you can leave this setting out. Default is the playfield called playfield.


Single value, type: one of the following options: none, basic, full. Default: basic

Log level for the console log for this device.


Single value, type: boolean (true/false). Default: false

See the documentation on the debug setting for details.


Single value, type: one of the following options: none, basic, full. Default: basic

Log level for the file log for this device.


Single value, type: string. Default: %

Name of this device in service mode.


List of one (or more) values, each is a type: string. Defaults to empty.

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