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This is a config file reference. Click for instructions.

This page is reference material which explains every setting and option for this section of an MPF yaml config file. See the instructions for config files for formatting and other details. See our guide to config file examples for more examples of real configs in action.

Valid in
machine config files YES ✅
mode config files NO 🚫

The rpi_dmd: section of your config is where you configure a RPi DMD. All settings are directly passed to the rpi-rgb-led-matrix library. Read their documentation (or the source) if in doubt.

Optional settings

The following sections are optional in the rpi_dmd: section of your config. (If you don't include them, the default will be used).


Single value, type: integer. Default: 100

Brightness value to use between 0 and 100%.


Single value, type: integer. Default: 1

Number of panels in your chain. Longer chains mean less frames per second.


Single value, type: integer. Default: 32

How many columns of LEDs does your matrix have?


Single value, type: boolean (true/false). Default: false

Leave this at False of thing will go wrong.


Single value, type: boolean (true/false). Default: false

Disable hardware pulsing. Only useful for debugging.


Single value, type: boolean (true/false). Default: true

Drop root rights after opening the hardware. It is highly recommended to leave it this way.


Single value, type: integer. Default: 1

Slow down the GPIOs a bit. Otherwise the RPi might be too fast for your LEDs.


Single value, type: one of the following options: regular, adafruit-hat, adafruit-hat-pwm. Default: regular

Select which hardware you are using. Consult manual if in doubt.


Single value, type: boolean (true/false). Default: false

Inverse colors. You know it if you see it.


Single value, type: string. Default: RGB

The color order of your LEDs. You know it if you see that colors are mixed up.


Single value, type: integer. Default: 0

Select your multiplexing settings. Consult manual.


Single value, type: integer. Default: 1

How many chains to run in parallel?


Single value, type: string. Default: ""

Select your pixel mapper. Consult manual.


Single value, type: integer. Default: 11

How many bits to use for PWM?


Single value, type: integer. Default: 130

On-time for your LEDs. Lower means more fps but potential less quality.


Single value, type: integer. Default: 0

Row address type. Consult manual.


Single value, type: integer. Default: 32

How many rows of LEDs does your matrix have?


Single value, type: integer. Default: 0

Scan mode. 0 = progressive; 1 = interlaced. Consult manual.


Single value, type: boolean (true/false). Default: false

Print refresh rate on terminal.

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