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This is a config file reference. Click for instructions.

This page is reference material which explains every setting and option for this section of an MPF yaml config file. See the instructions for config files for formatting and other details. See our guide to config file examples for more examples of real configs in action.

Valid in
machine config files YES ✅
mode config files YES ✅


This section can also be used in a show file in the segment_displays: section of a step.

The segment_display_player: section of your config is a Config Players which controls /hardware/segment_display_platforms. See Alpha-Numeric / Segment Displays for details.

Optional settings

The following sections are optional in the segment_display_player: section of your config. (If you don't include them, the default will be used).


Single value, type: one of the following options: add, remove, flash, no_flash, flash_match, flash_mask, set_color. Default: add

  • add - Add a text to the segment_display.
  • remove - Remove a text from the segment_display by key. If a transition_out: setting is used, then that transition will be started.
  • no_flash - Stop flashing this segment display.
  • flash - Flash this segment display.
  • flash_match - Flash the last two characters of the segment display.
  • flash_mask - Use the flash_mask parameter value to determine which characters of the segment display to flash.
  • set_color - Set the color(s) of the characters in the segment display (for platforms that support it).


List of one (or more) values, each is a type: color (color name, hex, or list of values 0-255). Defaults to empty.

The color for each character in the display (if the platform supports it). If a single color is supplied, all characters in the display will be set to that color. See Specifying Colors in Config Files for more information on specifying colors in config files.


Single value, type: ms_or_token. Defaults to empty.

Only used with action add. Text will be removed after expire ms.


Single value, type: string. Defaults to empty.

Only used with the flash_mask action (or with add when the flashing parameter is set to mask. Determines which characters of the segment display will be flashed. Each character of the flash mask string represents a character in the display. Character positions with an F character (must be upper-case) will be flashed while positions containing any other character will not flash. For example, in a segment display of length 16, to flash the first 8 characters use a flash_mask parameter value of FFFFFFFF________. You can use whatever character you wish for the non-flashing character positions.


Single value, type: one of the following options: off, all, match, mask, not_set. Default: not_set

  • off - Stop flashing this segment display.
  • all - Flash all characters in this segment display.
  • match - Flash the last two characters of the segment display.
  • mask - Use the flash_mask parameter value to determine which characters of the segment display to flash.

Only used with the add action.


Single value, type: string. Defaults to empty.

Key to use with action add and remove to reference a text on the segment display. Only relevant if segment_displays update_method is stack, not being used if replace is used.


Single value, type: int_or_token. Default: 0

Priority of this text. The segment display will maintain a stack and show the text on top (highest priority). Only relevant if segment_displays update_method is stack, not being used if replace is used.


Single value, type: string. Defaults to empty.

Text to show. You can use Text Templates. To erase the text on a display simply send an empty string "".


Note, that if you have set a duration in a show, that this duration includes the time for the incoming transition.


Be sure the segment_display size parameter has been properly set for the segment display or the transition effects may not be calculated and displayed properly.


#! segment_displays:
#!   display1:
#!     number: 1
      text: JACKPOT
      priority: 1000
      expire: 2s
        type: push
        direction: right
        text: " *** "
        type: push
        direction: right
        text: " *** "


The type of animation to be used.

  • push
  • cover
  • uncover
  • split
  • wipe


The direction of the animation, for type push, cover, uncover and wipe value can be either left or right (default). For split the value can be in or out (default).


Additonal text used in animation, if not set only the show text will be used.


Note, that if you have set a duration in a show, that this duration excludes the time for the outgoing transition. For anything else see above on the transition section.

There can only be one transition between text entries, so if outgoing text has a transition_out set, and an incoming text entry has a transition set, then the incoming transition will take precedence.

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