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This is a config file reference. Click for instructions.

This page is reference material which explains every setting and option for this section of an MPF yaml config file. See the instructions for config files for formatting and other details. See our guide to config file examples for more examples of real configs in action.

Valid in
machine config files YES ✅
mode config files NO 🚫

The segment_displays: section of your config is where you define your segment displays. This can be 7-segment or alphanumeric displays which are typically used in older machines.

Required settings

The following sections are required in the segment_displays: section of your config:


Single value, type: string. Defaults to empty.

The number of the display. The meaning depends on the hardware platform.

Optional settings

The following sections are optional in the segment_displays: section of your config. (If you don't include them, the default will be used).


List of one (or more) values, each is a type: color (color name, hex, or list of values 0-255). Default: white.

You should specify for each digit of your segment display a default color. If you specify less colors than the size of your display the other digitis will have white as default color. E.g. if you have 8 digits and specify "blue, yellow" then the other 6 digits will have white as default color.


Single value, type: float_or_token. Default: 30

The speed (steps per second) at which text transition effects will be updated in the display.


Single value, type: boolean (true/false). Default: false

Determines whether or not the physical segment display has integrated commas in each character rather than taking up an entire character. When set to true, commas are collapsed with the preceding character when calculating text transition effects. You need to check with your hardware vendor if commas have an own segment, sometimes you can see a comma on the display but it is not being used, e.g. Cobra serial segment display.


Single value, type: boolean (true/false). Default: false

Determines whether or not the physical segment display has integrated dots/periods in each character rather than taking up an entire character. When set to true, dots/periods are collapsed with the preceding character when calculating text transition effects.


Single value, type: string. Defaults to empty.

This can be used to overwrite the platform which is defined in the hardware section for segment_displays.


Single value, type: dict. Defaults to empty.

Platform specific settings. See your segment platform documentation.


Single value, type: integer. Default: 7

The number of characters in the segment display. This value should be set to match the number of characters in your physical hardware (or virtual emulator). It is important to set this number correctly for the text transition effects.


Single value, type: String. Default: "stack"

The method by which segment display text is updated via segment display player.

When set to "replace", this segment display will only track one text string at a time and all updates must be explicitly sent to the display player. These text strings do not create subscriptions or respond to variable changes.

When set to "stack", new text entries are added on top of previous ones (based on priority) and when removed, the next-highest priority one is rendered. These text strings will create subscriptions for variables within them, and automatically update the displayed text when the variable value changes. This is a convenient way to persist player variables (e.g. score) without having to continually push updates.

Can cause memory bloat

Using the "stack" method for updates will create a new event subscriber for each entry, so misusing the segment_display_player and sending manual updates will cause hundreds or thousands of subscribers to be created, which can cause lag and memory issues.

In a future release of MPF "replace" will become the default setting because it is more aligned with how most people implement their segment_display_player.

If you know what you're doing and want to use "stack", you should set it explicitly in your config to prevent errors when the default changes to "replace".

If you are unsure or don't know which to use, use "replace".


Single value, type: boolean (true/false). Default: false

If your segment display doesn't provide an own segment for a comma but has an own segment for period, then this setting will use the period segment as a comma. Otherwise the comma will be display on an own segment (which doesn't look too nice usually).


Single value, type: one of the following options: none, basic, full. Default: basic

Log level for the console log for this device.


Single value, type: boolean (true/false). Default: false

Set this to true to see additional debug output. This might impact the performance of MPF.


Single value, type: one of the following options: none, basic, full. Default: basic

Log level for the file log for this device.


Single value, type: string. Default: %

Name of this device in service mode.


List of one (or more) values, each is a type: string. Defaults to empty.

Not used.

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