This is a config file reference. Click for instructions.
This page is reference material which explains every setting and option for this section of an MPF yaml config file. See the instructions for config files for formatting and other details. See our guide to config file examples for more examples of real configs in action.
Valid in | |
machine config files | YES |
mode config files | YES |
The shot_profiles:
section of your config is where you configure the
settings for various shot profiles that you can then apply to your
Here's an example:
##! mode: mode1
- name: unlit
show: "off"
- name: lit
show: "on"
This is the name of the shot profile, which is how you'll refer to it
elsewhere in your config files when you apply it to shots. The sample
shot_profiles: section of the config file above contains a profile named
"default" (which is actually included in the system-wide
Single value, type: boolean
(Yes/No or True/False). Default: True
This setting controls whether the active shot profile advances to its next state when the shot is hit. The default is true, but you can set this to false if you want to manually advance the shot some other way. (If this is false, you can still advance the shot with advance_events, for example.)
Single value, type: boolean
(Yes/No or True/False). Default: false
Lets you control whether hits to this shot are propagated down to lower priority modes. The default value is true if you don't specify this, meaning that blocking is enabled
If you have block: true
in a shot profile, then hits to that shot when
that profile is applied only are registered in the highest mode where
that shot is enabled. If you set block: false
, then when a shot is hit
in one mode it will also look down to lower priority modes where that
shot is enabled. If that lower priority mode has a different profile
applied then it will also register a hit event based on that profile.
This will continue until it reaches a level with block: true
or until
it reaches the end of the mode list.
This is better explained with an example.
Imagine you have four lanes at the top of your machine which you use in your base mode in a normal lane-change fashion. (Lanes are unlit by default, hit a lane and they light, complete all four lanes for an award.) Now imagine you also use those lanes for a skillshot where one of the lanes is flashing and you try to hit it while the skillshot is enabled. In this case, you'd have different shot profiles for each mode, perhaps the default profile in your base mode (with unlit->lit states) and a skillshot profile in your skill shot mode (with flashing->complete states).
By default, if the player hits the a lane when the skill shot mode is
running, the skillshot profile is the active profile so it's the shot
that gets the hit. But then when the skill shot mode ends, the lane the
player just hit is not lit, since that shot profile was not active when
it was hit. (In other words, the skillshot blocked the hit event.) So if
you add block: false
to your skillshot shot profile, then when the
shot is hit when the skill shot mode is running, it will receive the hit
and advance the shot from flashing to complete. Then the lower base mode
will also get the shot, and it will advance its state from unlit to lit.
The lights for the shot will only reflect the skillshot lights since
it's the higher priority, however, you will get
yourshot_skillshot_flashing_hit and yourshot_default_unlit_hit
events since both the hits registered because you set the skillshot
profile not to block the hit.
Single value, type: boolean
(Yes/No or True/False). Default: False
Controls whether the states of this profile "loop" when they reach the end. If true, then the shot being hit when the profile is in the last state causes the profile to "loop" around back to the first state. This is useful if you want to create a "toggle" shot where you could create a profile with two steps (lit and unlit) and then set loop to be true. (If you have more than two steps in the shot profile, then the looping will go from the last one back to the first one.) The default is false, meaning when the profile reaches its last state, it will just stay there even if it's hit again.
Single value, type: string
. Default: None
This is a profile setting that lets you specify the name of the player variable that will be used to track the status of this shot when this profile is applied. If you don't specify the name of a player variable, it will automatically use (shot_name)_(profile_name) as the player variable.
List of one (or more) values, each is a type: string
. Default: R
This setting lets you specify a custom rotation pattern that's used when an event from this profile's rotation_events: section is posted. You enter it as a list of Ls and Rs, for example:
##! mode: mode1
- name: unlit
show: "off"
- name: red
show: led_color
color: red
- name: blue
show: "flash"
color: blue
rotation_pattern: L, L, L, L, R, R, R, R
In the above example, the first four times a rotation_event is posted, this shot group will rotate to the left, then the next four to the right, then the next four to the left, etc. The pattern will loop. This is how you could specify a single lit target that "sweeps" back and forth across a group of five targets, for example. This only impacts rotation_events, not rotate_left_events and rotate_right_events since those events imply a direction.
Single value, type: string
. Default: None
The name of the show associated with this shot profile. Note that you
can specify a single show which applies to the entire shot profile
(here), or you can specify a different show for each step/state (in the
section, covered below.
If you specify a show here, then the show will not auto play, and instead will advance to the next step with each step/state advancement of the shot. This is useful for simple things like turning a light on or off. For more complex scenarios, you can set a full show per step/state below.
Single value, type: boolean
(Yes/No or True/False). Default: False
Controls whether the lights or LEDs for shots which have this profile applied will be active when this shot is disabled. By default this is true, so if the shot profile associated with this shot has the light turning on, then when you disable the shot the light will stay on. Set it to false if you want the lights or LEDs to turn off when the shot is disabled. (Note that even when this is false, the lights or LEDs can still be controlled by other light scripts, light shows, manual commands, etc.)
List of one (or more) values, each is a type: string
. Default: None
This is a list of state names that will be used to determine which shots in a shot group will be rotated or skipped. By default, no states are included, meaning all states will rotate.
This property can be useful if you only want to rotate a subset of states.
For example, you might have a set of standup targets defined as three shots
with three states, unlit, on_target, and locked.
During normal play you might have one of the targets marked as on_target\
at any time, with the others unlit, rotating which target is active based
on a timer or some gameplay event.
When the on_target shot is hit, you advance that target to locked and
set a new shot to be on_target. Using state_names_to_not_rotate: locked
you can keep the already-locked shots in place, and only rotate among the
remaining shots.
The states:
section contains the following nested sub-settings
Under each shot profile name, a setting called states: lets you specify various properties for the target in different states. You can configure multiple states in the order that you want them to be stepped through. (You use a dash, then a space, then a setting to indicate that items should be a list. The following sections explain the settings for each state:
Single value, type: string
This is the name of the step. In other words, it's what "state" the shot is in when this profile step is active.
Single value, type: integer
. Default: -1
Loops setting from the show player, controls how many times the show
loops (-1
is unlimited).
Single value, type: boolean
(Yes/No or True/False). Default: False
If True, the show does not automatically advance to the next step.
Single value, type: integer
. Default: 0
The priority shift of the show that's played.
Single value, type: string
. Default: None
The name of the show that will be played when a shot with this profile applied is in this step (or state).
One or more sub-entries, each in the format of type: str
Default: None
Show tokens for the show.
Single value, type: number
(will be converted to floating point).
Default: 1
Playback speed of the show.
Single value, type: integer
. Default: 1
The step number the show will start on.
Single value, type: integer
. Default: None
The sync_ms value of the show.
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