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Integrating Logic_Blocks and Shows

Logic_Block-Triggered Events

Logic_blocks can be flexibly integrated with shows using the (name)_updated event. It is posted on every state change (i.e. when a counter is incremented) and when logic_blocks are restored (on mode restart). This means that the event may be posted more than once and all handlers should be idempotent (i.e. that you can execute them more than once without changing state after the first time). This event works well to control shows, lights, slides, and to restore them on the next ball. However it should not be used for scoring (to handle an event when the counter changes, consider the (name)_hit event instead).

##! mode: my_mode
    count_events: my_count_event
    starting_count: 0
    count_complete_value: 3
  logicblock_my_counter_updated{value == 0}:
      key: my_counter_show # this is to remove the previous show from the same player
  logicblock_my_counter_updated{value == 1}:
      key: my_counter_show # this is to remove the previous show from the same player
  logicblock_my_counter_updated{value >= 2}:
      key: my_counter_show # this is to remove the previous show from the same player

Every time my_counter is updated (or restored) it will post logicblock_my_counter_updated. Depending on the value of my_counter either my_show_initial (value is 0), my_show_first_hit (value is 1) or my_show_final (value is 2 or 3) are shown. All show_players have the same key so they will stop any other show playing with the same key.

Another way to achieve the same thing is this:

You can even achieve this a bit simpler than in the example. Like this:

##! mode: my_mode
    count_events: my_count_event
    starting_count: 0
    count_complete_value: 3
      key: my_counter_show
      start_step: value + 1
        led1: l_led1
        led2: l_led2
        led3: l_led3
        color: magenta
  logicblock_my_counter_updated{not enabled}:
    my_counter_show: stop

This will start the show my_show at the value of the counter my_counter. For instance when the counter is 0 it will start step 1, counter 1 will run step 2 and so on. Once the counter is disabled the show it stopped (but other behaviors are possible).

my_show could look like this:

##! show: my_show
- duration: -1
    (led1): off
    (led2): off
    (led3): off
- duration: -1
    (led1): (color)
    (led2): off
    (led3): off
- duration: -1
    (led1): (color)
    (led2): (color)
    (led3): off
- duration: -1
    (led1): (color)
    (led2): (color)
    (led3): (color)

Actions which should only happen once

If you want something to happen only once when the logic_block advances (and not on mode restart) you should use the _hit event. E.g. for a callout use this:

##! mode: my_mode
    count_events: my_count_event
    starting_count: 0
    count_complete_value: 10
  logicblock_my_counter_hit{remaining == 5}:
      action: play
  logicblock_my_counter_hit{remaining == 2}:
      action: play
  logicblock_my_counter_hit{remaining == 1}:
      action: play

Other Triggered Events

You can also have a show depend on the state of a logic block while being triggered by another event, using Conditional Events.

You can access the value directly from the device variable using devices.counters.my_counter.value:

##! mode: my_mode
  some_other_event{devices.counters.my_counter.value==0}: my_show_initial
  some_other_event{devices.counters.my_counter.value==1}: my_show_once_hit
  some_other_event{devices.counters.my_counter.value==2}: my_show_twice_hit

Related Events

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