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How to create a multiball with a traditional ball lock

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Most pinball machines use a "virtual" ball lock to track multiball progress and MPF is designed to handle these by default. Machines that physically lock multiple balls require a few extra configuration settings to properly count locked balls and release them for a multiball.

Background: How MPF tracks and replaces balls

When a ball enters a ball device that is not the trough, the ball device checks for any locks that want to "claim" the ball. If the ball is claimed by anything, such as an enabled multiball_lock, the ball device will hold the ball and request a new ball be added from the trough to the playfield. If nothing claims the ball, the ball device will eject it back onto the playfield.

During this process, the number of "balls in play" never changes. When a ball is claimed by a lock, MPF simply swaps the location of the inactive ball from the trough to the ball device. From the game's perspective the playfield always has only one ball in play.

Setting up a simple multiball

Perhaps the two most common types of multiballs are virtual-only and physical-only. For virtual-only multiballs, you only need a multiballs: section to your config and a corresponding start_event. You do not need to configure a multiball_locks: section. Instead, a counter or logic_block is often used to track when the requirements for a multiball have been satisfied, such as a certain number of shots to the captive ball target in Metallica for instance.

Setting up a physical-only multiball

In order to use a physical lock in combination with a multiball, you just define a ball_device as well as define a multiball_lock within your config files. The ball_device must be listed as a lock_device within the settings of the multiball_lock config section.

Making sure the right number of balls are in play

In MPF, any given multiball (configured within a multiballs config section) only has one configuration requirement: ball_count. However, there are optional settings you may need depending on what type of multiball you are creating. In the instance of a physical-only multiball (as typically seen in older machines), the machine must physically lock balls before multiball can start. Only when the physical lock is full can the multiball be started. Typically, the lock device continues to hold these locked balls across player turns, allowing for players to "steal locks" until the lock device is physically full, which in turn typically starts the multiball immediately. In MPF, you have control over what event triggers the start of a multiball mode. It could be the automatically posted event multiball_lock_[multiball-lock-name]_locked_ball, or some other event setup via an event_player.

In either scenario, both the multiball_locks and the multiballs config settings must be configured such that MPF knows how many balls are to be replaced when a "lock" locks a ball from the playfield. This can be set using the replace_balls_in_play setting. However, this setting requires another to be set within the corresponding multiball, specifically, the balls_to_replace setting.


Cheat sheet: set replace_balls_in_play: true and set balls_to_replace: equal to the number of balls the lock holds minus one. So if you want two balls to be locked and replaced from the trough, but the third ball not to be replaced from the trough (because multiball is starting and all three locked balls will come out as part of that), then set balls_to_replace: 2.

If for some reason the multiball doesn't start automatically on ball 3 entering, the game will get stuck with no balls on the playfield!

In order to setup a physical multiball lock and associated multiball, there must be a lock device assigned to your multiball_locks section of your config.


Be careful with with balls_to_replace and replace_balls_in_play. They will only work in exactly this combination. Used in isolation they will likely lead to incorrect ball counts.

Video about ball locks and multiballs:

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