MPF license & copyright
The Mission Pinball Framework project, code, and documentation are licensed in a way that essentially let you do whatever you want with them. The only real caveat is that you use them at your own risk, and we don't provide any warranties.
The code is licensed under the MIT license, and the documentation is licensed via Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
It a nutshell, you can use MPF and the docs however you want. You can use MPF in a commercial product. You can make changes to it, and you don't have to share the changes back with the community if you don't want to. You can make derivative works, sell it, build a business on it, etc. Go nuts!
At the end of the day, we created MPF because we want to see more pinball in the world, so we didn't put any restrictions on what you can do with it because we don't want anyone to hesitate jumping into the amazing world of pinball!
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