In MPF, shows are containers that hold steps of instructions for things that can be "played" in a certain order with specific timings.
You can do almost anything in a step in a show, including setting the color of LEDs, playing sounds, showing slides on the display, posting events, firing drivers, etc.
You're going to use shows a lot.
Prior to MPF 0.30, "light shows" and "display shows" were two independent things. In MPF 0.30+, shows are now universal. There's only one type of show, and it can be used to do anything.
Shows are controlled and run by the MPF game engine, and if a show contains actions in a step for the media controller, such as display or sound actions, then those actions are sent via BCP to the media controller when that step is played.
Shows are configured via the YAML formatting just like config files. You can add the definitions for simple shows into your config files directly, or you can create standalone shows files that you store in your machine's`shows` folder.
It is totally viable to create simple shows by hand. However, there is a MPF Showcreator to create complex light shows.
Read on for more info on how shows work:
- Show configuration format
- What can you put in shows?
- Creating standalone show files
- Creating embedded shows in config files
- Shows in shows
- Using "tokens" for run-time variable replacement in shows
- MPF default shows
- Starting & stopping shows
- Synchronizing multiple shows
- Playing Shows in a Show
You should have a look at Config Players to find more information about all the elements which are possible in shows (i.e. lights, slides, widgets or sounds).
Videos about shows:
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