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Build Command Line

The build command line mpf build can compile configs for production.



Call this inside your machine folder. It will create mpf_config.bundle and mpf_mc_config.bundle inside your machine folder. Those two files contain the complete configuration including all shows for your machine. If you change any configs, modes or shows rerun this command. Make sure that your final machine runs exactly the same version of MPF or bad things will happen. Regenerate those files when upgrading MPF (even when not changing configs).

See Tuning Software for Production for details about production machines.

Command line options

There are several command-line options you can use when running build.

-b (lowercase)

Builds a production config for MPF only, without MC. For builds on MPF 0.80 and later, you should not be using mpf-mc at all, and should thus include the -b option.

-c (lowercase)

Specifies the name of the config file (or files) to load. Default config.yaml is used if this option is omitted. You do not have to specify the .yaml extension.


The path to set as machine_path on the production bundle. This may be different than the machine_path on the current machine.

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