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player_variable (BCP command)

This is a generic “catch all” which sends player-specific variables to the media controller any time they change. Since the pin controller will most likely track hundreds of variables per player (with many being internal things that the media controller doesn’t care about), it’s recommended that the pin controller has a way to filter which player variables are sent to the media controller. Also note the parameter player_num indicates which player this variable is for (starting with 1 for the first player). While it’s usually the case that the player_variable command will be sent for the player whose turn it is, that’s not always the case. (For example, when a second player is added during the first player’s ball, the second player’s default variables will be initialized at 0 and a player_variable event for player 2 will be sent even though player 1 is up.


Pin controller



Type: string

This is the name of the player variable.


Type: int

This is the player number the variable is for (starting with 1 for the first player).


Type: Varies depending upon the variable type.

This is the new value of the player variable.


Type: Varies depending upon the variable type.

This is the previous value of the player variable.


Type: Varies depending upon the variable type.

If the player variable just changed, this will be the amount of the change. If it’s not possible to determine a numeric change (for example, if this player variable is a string), then this change value will be set to the boolean True.



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