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class mpf.core.mode_controller.ModeController(machine: mpf.core.machine.MachineController)

Bases: mpf.core.mpf_controller.MpfController

Responsible for loading, unloading, and managing all modes in MPF.

Accessing the mode_controller in code

There is only one instance of the mode_controller in MPF, and it’s accessible via self.machine.mode_controller.

Methods & Attributes

The mode_controller has the following methods & attributes available. Note that methods & attributes inherited from base classes are not included here.


Create mode devices.


Dump the current status of the running modes to the log file.


Initialise modes.

is_active(mode_name) → bool

Return true if the mode is active, False if it is not.


  • mode_name – String name of the mode to check.


Load mode devices.


Load the modes from the modes: section of the machine configuration file.

register_load_method(load_method, config_section_name=None, priority=0, **kwargs)

Register a method which is called when the mode is loaded. Used by core components, plugins, etc. to register themselves with the Mode Controller for anything they need a mode to do when it’s registered.


  • load_method – The method that will be called when this mode code loads.
  • config_section_name – An optional string for the section of the configuration file that will be passed to the load_method when it’s called.
  • priority – Int of the relative priority which allows remote methods to be called in a specific order. Default is 0. Higher values will be called first.
  • **kwargs – Any additional keyword arguments specified will be passed to the load_method.

Note that these methods will be called once, when the mode code is first initialized during the MPF boot process.

register_start_method(start_method, config_section_name=None, priority=0, **kwargs)

Register a method which is called anytime a mode is started. Used by core components, plugins, etc. to register themselves with the Mode Controller for anything that they a mode to do when it starts.


  • start_method – The method that will be called when this mode code loads.
  • config_section_name – An optional string for the section of the configuration file that will be passed to the start_method when it’s called.
  • priority – Int of the relative priority which allows remote methods to be called in a specific order. Default is 0. Higher values will be called first.
  • **kwargs – Any additional keyword arguments specified will be passed to the start_method.

remove_start_method(start_method, config_section_name=None, priority=0, **kwargs)

Remove an existing start method.

set_mode_state(mode: mpf.core.mode.Mode, active: bool)

Remember mode state.

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