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Utility Functions

class mpf.core.utility_functions.Util

Bases: object

Utility functions for MPF.

Methods & Attributes

The Utility Functions has the following methods & attributes available. Note that methods & attributes inherited from the base class are not included here.

static any(futures: Iterable[_asyncio.Future], loop, timeout=None)

Return first future.

static bin_str_to_hex_str(source_int_str: str, num_chars: int) → str

Convert binary string to hex string.

static cancel_futures(futures: Iterable[_asyncio.Future])

Cancel futures.

static chunker(l, n)

Yield successive n-sized chunks from l.

static convert_to_simply_type(value)

Convert value to a simple type.

static convert_to_type(value, type_name)

Convert value to type.

static db_to_gain(db: float) → float

Convert a value in decibels (-inf to 0.0) to a gain (0.0 to 1.0).


  • db – The decibel value (float) to convert to a gain

Returns float.

static dict_merge(a, b, combine_lists=True) → dict

Recursively merge dictionaries.

Used to merge dictionaries of dictionaries, like when we’re merging together the machine configuration files. This method is called recursively as it finds sub-dictionaries.

For example, in the traditional python dictionary update() methods, if a dictionary key exists in the original and merging-in dictionary, the new value will overwrite the old value.

Consider the following example:

Original dictionary: config[‘foo’][‘bar’] = 1

New dictionary we’re merging in: config[‘foo’][‘other_bar’] = 2

Default python dictionary update() method would have the updated dictionary as this:

{‘foo’: {‘other_bar’: 2}}

This happens because the original dictionary which had the single key bar was overwritten by a new dictionary which has a single key other_bar.)

But really we want this:

{‘foo’: {‘bar’: 1, ‘other_bar’: 2}}

This code was based on this:


  • a (dict) – The first dictionary
  • b (dict) – The second dictionary
  • combine_lists (bool) – Controls whether lists should be combined (extended) or overwritten. Default is True which combines them.

Returns the merged dictionaries.

static event_config_to_dict(config) → dict

Convert event config to a dict.

static first(futures: Iterable[_asyncio.Future], loop, timeout=None, cancel_others=True)

Return first future and cancel others.

static get_from_dict(dic, key_path)

Get a value from a nested dict (or dict-like object) from an iterable of key paths.


  • dic – Nested dict of dicts to get the value from.
  • key_path – iterable of key paths

Returns the value from the dict.

This code came from here:

static get_named_list_from_objects(switches) → List[str]

Return a list of names from a list of switch objects.

static hex_string_to_int(inputstring: str, maxvalue: int = 255) → int

Take a string input of hex numbers and an integer.


  • inputstring – A string of incoming hex colors, like ffff00.
  • maxvalue – Integer of the max value you’d like to return. Default is 255. (This is the real value of why this method exists.)

Returns integer representation of the hex string.

static hex_string_to_list(input_string, output_length=3) → List[int]

Take a string input of hex numbers and return a list of integers.

This always groups the hex string in twos, so an input of ffff00 will be returned as [255, 255, 0].


  • input_string – A string of incoming hex colors, like ffff00.
  • output_length – Integer value of the number of items you’d like in your returned list. Default is 3. This method will ignore extra characters if the input_string is too long, and it will pad the left with zeros if the input string is too short.

Returns list of integers, like [255, 255, 0].

Raises ValueError if the input string contains non-hex chars.

static int_to_hex_string(source_int: int) → str

Convert an int from 0-255 to a one-byte (2 chars) hex string, with uppercase characters.

static is_hex_string(string: str) → bool

Return true if string is hex.

static is_power2(num: int) → bool

Check a number to see if it’s a power of two.


  • num – The number to check

Returns True or False.

static keys_to_lower(source_dict) → Union[dict, list]

Convert the keys of a dictionary to lowercase.


  • source_dict – The dictionary you want to convert.

Returns a dictionary with lowercase keys.

static list_of_lists(incoming_string)

Convert an incoming string or list into a list of lists.

static normalize_hex_string(source_hex: str, num_chars: int = 2) → str

Take an incoming hex value and convert it to uppercase and fills in leading zeros.


  • source_hex – Incoming source number. Can be any format.
  • num_chars – Total number of characters that will be returned. Default is two.

Returns string, uppercase, zero padded to the num_chars.

Example usage: Send “c” as source_hex, returns “0C”.

static power_to_on_off(power: float, max_period: int = 20) → Tuple[int, int]

Convert a float value to on/off times.

static pwm32_to_hex_string(source_int: int) → str

Convert a PWM32 value to hex.

static pwm32_to_int(source_int: int) → int

Convert a PWM32 value to int.

static pwm8_to_hex_string(source_int: int) → str

Convert an int to a PWM8 string.

static pwm8_to_int(source_int: int) → int

Convert a PWM8 value to int.

static race(futures: Dict[_asyncio.Future, str], loop)

Return key of first future and cancel others.

static raise_exceptions(future: _asyncio.Future) → None

Re-raise any error except CancelledError on this exception.

Use this with add_done_callback on any future which is not awaited directly to prevent swallowed exceptions.

static set_in_dict(dic, key_path, value)

Set a value in a nested dict-like object based on an iterable of nested keys.


  • dic – Nested dict of dicts to set the value in.
  • key_path – Iterable of the path to the key of the value to set.
  • value – Value to set.

static string_to_class(class_string: str) → Callable[[...], Any]

Convert a string like into a Python class.


  • class_string (str) – The input string

Returns a reference to the python class object.

This function came from here:

static string_to_event_list(string: Union[str, List[str], None]) → List[Any]

Convert a comma-separated and/or space-separated event string into a Python list if not already a list.

This version honors placeholders/templates for events.


  • string – The string you’d like to convert.

Returns a python list object containing whatever was between commas in the string.

static string_to_gain(gain_string: str) → float

Convert string to gain.

Decode a string containing either a gain value (0.0 to 1.0) or a decibel value (-inf to 0.0) into a gain value (0.0 to 1.0).


  • gain_string – The string to convert to a gain value

Returns float containing a gain value (0.0 to 1.0).

static string_to_list(string: Union[str, List[str], None]) → List[Any]

Convert a comma-separated string into a Python list if not already a list.


  • string – The string you’d like to convert.

Returns a python list object containing whatever was between commas in the string.

static string_to_ms(time_string: str) → int

Decode a string of real-world time into an int of milliseconds.

Example inputs:

200ms 2s None

If no “s” or “ms” is provided, this method assumes “milliseconds.”

If time is ‘None’ or a string of ‘None’, this method returns 0.

Returns an integer. The examples listed above return 200, 2000 and 0, respectively.

static string_to_secs(time_string: str) → float

Decode a string of real-world time into an float of seconds.

See ‘string_to_ms’ for a description of the time string.

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