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class mpf.modes.tilt.code.tilt.Tilt(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: mpf.core.mode.Mode

A mode which handles a tilt in a pinball machine.

Note that this mode is always running (even during attract mode) since the machine needs to watch for slam tilts at all times.

Accessing the tilt mode via code

You can access the tilt mode from anywhere via self.machine.modes.tilt.

Methods & Attributes

The tilt mode has the following methods & attributes available. Note that methods & attributes inherited from the base Mode class are not included here.


Return True if this mode is active.

add_mode_event_handler(event: str, handler: Callable, priority: int = 0, **kwargs) →

Register an event handler which is automatically removed when this mode stops.

This method is similar to the Event Manager’s add_handler() method, except this method automatically unregisters the handlers when the mode ends.


  • event – String name of the event you’re adding a handler for. Since events are text strings, they don’t have to be pre-defined.
  • handler – The method that will be called when the event is fired.
  • priority – An arbitrary integer value that defines what order the handlers will be called in. The default is 1, so if you have a handler that you want to be called first, add it here with a priority of 2. (Or 3 or 10 or 100000.) The numbers don’t matter. They’re called from highest to lowest. (i.e. priority 100 is called before priority 1.)
  • **kwargs – Any any additional keyword/argument pairs entered here will be attached to the handler and called whenever that handler is called. Note these are in addition to kwargs that could be passed as part of the event post. If there’s a conflict, the event-level ones will win.

Returns a EventHandlerKey to the handler which you can use to later remove the handler via remove_handler_by_key. Though you don’t need to remove the handler since the whole point of this method is they’re automatically removed when the mode stops.

Note that if you do add a handler via this method and then remove it manually, that’s ok too.

configure_logging(logger: str, console_level: str = 'basic', file_level: str = 'basic', url_base=None)

Configure logging.


  • logger – The string name of the logger to use.
  • console_level – The level of logging for the console. Valid options are “none”, “basic”, or “full”.
  • file_level – The level of logging for the console. Valid options are “none”, “basic”, or “full”.
  • url_base – Base URL for docs links in exceptions.

create_mode_devices() → None

Create new devices that are specified in a mode config that haven’t been created in the machine-wide.

debug_log(msg: str, *args, context=None, error_no=None, **kwargs) → None

Log a message at the debug level.

Note that whether this message shows up in the console or log file is controlled by the settings used with configure_logging().

error_log(msg: str, *args, context=None, error_no=None, **kwargs) → None

Log a message at the error level.

These messages will always be shown in the console and the log file.

format_log_line(msg, context, error_no) → str

Return a formatted log line with log link and context.

ignorable_runtime_exception(msg: str) → None

Handle ignorable runtime exception.

During development or tests raise an exception for easier debugging. Log an error during production.

info_log(msg: str, *args, context=None, error_no=None, **kwargs) → None

Log a message at the info level.

Whether this message shows up in the console or log file is controlled by the settings used with configure_logging().

initialise_mode() → None

Initialise this mode.


Return true if this is a game mode.

load_mode_devices() → None

Load config of mode devices.

mode_will_start(**kwargs) → None

User-overrideable method which will be called whenever this mode starts (i.e. before it becomes active).

raise_config_error(msg, error_no, *, context=None) → NoReturn

Raise a ConfigFileError exception.


Reset the tilt warnings for the current player.


Process a slam tilt.

This method posts the slam_tilt event and (if a game is active) sets the game mode’s slam_tilted attribute to True.

start(mode_priority=None, callback=None, **kwargs) → None

Start this mode.


  • mode_priority – Integer value of what you want this mode to run at. If you don’t specify one, it will use the “Mode: priority” setting from this mode’s configuration file.
  • callback – Callback to call when this mode has been started.
  • **kwargs – Catch-all since this mode might start from events with who-knows-what keyword arguments.

Warning: You can safely call this method, but do not override it in your mode code. If you want to write your own mode code by subclassing Mode, put whatever code you want to run when this mode starts in the mode_start method which will be called automatically.

stop(callback: Any = None, **kwargs) → bool

Stop this mode.


  • callback – Method which will be called once this mode has stopped. Will only be called when the mode is running (includes currently stopping)
  • **kwargs – Catch-all since this mode might start from events with who-knows-what keyword arguments.

Warning: You can safely call this method, but do not override it in your mode code. If you want to write your own mode code by subclassing Mode, put whatever code you want to run when this mode stops in the mode_stop method which will be called automatically.

Returns true if the mode is running. Otherwise false.


Cause the ball to tilt.

This will post an event called tilt, set the game mode’s tilted attribute to True, disable the flippers and autofire devices, end the current ball, and wait for all the balls to drain.


Return the amount of milliseconds remaining until the tilt settle time has cleared.

Returns an integer of the number of ms remaining until tilt settled is cleared.


Process a tilt warning.

If the number of warnings is the number to cause a tilt, a tilt will be processed.

warning_log(msg: str, *args, context=None, error_no=None, **kwargs) → None

Log a message at the warning level.

These messages will always be shown in the console and the log file.

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