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class mpf.tests.MpfBcpTestCase.MockBcpClient(machine, name, bcp)

Bases: mpf.core.bcp.bcp_client.BaseBcpClient

A Mock BCP Client.

This is used in tests require BCP for testing but where you don’t actually create a real BCP connection.

Methods & Attributes

The MockBcpClient has the following methods & attributes available. Note that methods & attributes inherited from the base class are not included here.

accept_connection(receiver, sender)

Handle incoming connection from remote client.


Actively connect client.

format_log_line(msg, context, error_no) → str

Return a formatted log line with log link and context.

ignorable_runtime_exception(msg: str) → None

Handle ignorable runtime exception.

During development or tests raise an exception for easier debugging. Log an error during production.

raise_config_error(msg, error_no, *, context=None) → NoReturn

Raise a ConfigFileError exception.


Read one message from client.

send(bcp_command, bcp_command_args)

Send data to client.


Stop client connection.

warning_log(msg: str, *args, context=None, error_no=None, **kwargs) → None

Log a message at the warning level.

These messages will always be shown in the console and the log file.

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