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Conditional Events

So far we've talked about how events are just strings of text, for example:

  • ball_started
  • game_ending
  • shot1_hit
  • mode_jackpot_starting
  • etc.

However, it's possible for events to have key/value parameters attached to them.

For example, when the "ball_started" event is posted, it has two parameters attached to it: "ball" (which is the number of the ball that's started), and "player" which is the number of the player whose ball just started.

This means that the "ball_started" event isn't just MPF saying, "Hey, a ball just started", rather, it's more like MPF saying, "Hey, a ball just started for player 2, ball 3.". You can also see that in your mpf log:

INFO : EventManager : Event: ======'ball_started'====== Args={'player': 2, 'ball': 3}

By the way, in case you're wondering how we know that the ball_started event has those parameters (or even that ball_started is an event), they're all in the event reference guide, and the entry for ball_started lists the parameters it has along with an explanation of what those mean.

In addition to parameters in your event you can also reference most devices in your machine. For instance, you might want to start a mode after a counter reached a certain value. You can reference any placeholder variable in a condtion and also apply arbitrary logic/conditions to them.

Using keyword arguments in your config files

What's really cool about event parameters is that you can use them in your config files when you enter things that take action on events.

For example, here's a section of a config file that would show a slide called "lets_go" when the ball_started event was posted:

#! slides:
#!   lets_go:
#!     - type: text
#!       text: "MPF IS AWESOME"
  ball_started: lets_go
      action: remove
##! test
#! start_game
#! advance_time_and_run .1
#! assert_text_on_top_slide "MPF IS AWESOME"
#! drain_all_balls
#! advance_time_and_run .1
#! assert_text_on_top_slide "MPF IS AWESOME"

The example above will show that slide any time that the ball_started event was posted, regardless of what the values of the parameters are.

However, you can enter the event name in your config file a bit differently so that the action only takes place if that event is posted AND if the parameters have certain values.

For example:

#! slides:
#!   first_ball_intro:
#!     - type: text
#!       text: "FIRST BALL"
  ball_started{ball==1}: first_ball_intro
      action: remove
##! test
#! start_game
#! advance_time_and_run .1
#! assert_text_on_top_slide "FIRST BALL"
#! drain_all_balls
#! advance_time_and_run .1
#! assert_text_not_on_top_slide "FIRST BALL"

In the above example, the slide "first_ball_intro" will only be posted when the ball_started AND when the value of ball is 1. (Since this entry doesn't mention "player", then this action would happen when ball 1 is started for any player.)

Of course you can use multiple entries with different values, like this:

#! slides:
#!   first_ball_intro:
#!     - type: text
#!       text: "FIRST BALL"
#!   lets_go:
#!     - type: text
#!       text: "MPF IS AWESOME"
  ball_started{ball==1}: first_ball_intro
  ball_started{ball>1}: lets_go
      action: remove
      action: remove
##! test
#! start_game
#! advance_time_and_run .1
#! assert_text_on_top_slide "FIRST BALL"
#! drain_all_balls
#! advance_time_and_run .1
#! assert_text_on_top_slide "MPF IS AWESOME"

In this case, when the ball_started event is posted for Ball 1, the "first_ball_intro" slide will be shown. And if it's posted with a ball after Ball 1, the "lets_go" slide will be posted.

You can also combine things here using and or or. For example:

#! slides:
#!   special_slide: []
  ball_started{ball==1 or ball==3}: special_slide

Now the "special_slide" will be shown for either ball 1 or ball 3.

You can also combine with "and", for example:

#! slides:
#!   special_slide: []
  ball_started{ball==3 and player==1}: special_slide

Now the "special_slide" will only show when the ball_started event is posted for player 1, ball 3 (but not player 2, ball 3, etc.).

Feeling crazy yet?

In addition to keyword arguments from events), you can also use current_player. to access player variables, players[x] to access player variables from any player (x is the player index), machine. to access machine variables, game. game attributes, and settings. to access operator settings.

#! slides:
#!   you_rule: []
#!   you_stink: []
  ball_started{current_player.score > 1000000}: you_rule
  ball_started{current_player.score < 10000 and ball == 3}: you_stink

The above config will show the slide "you_rule" any time the ball_started event is posted and the player's score is more than 1 million. It will also show the slide "you_stink" if ball 3 is starting and the player has less than 10,000 points.

But wait, there's more!

You can also use standard math operators (+, -, *, /, //, etc.) to evaluate whether the action should take place:

#! slides:
#!   uh_oh: []
  ball_started{ball > 1 and current_player.score < ((ball - 1) * 10000)}: uh_oh

This will post the slide "uh_oh" if the player is starting a ball after Ball 1 and their score is less than an average of 10k points per ball. (Notice that you can also use parentheses to control the order of operation stuff you learned in school.)

Most likely you wouldn't get that complex, but it's nice to know that you can if you want. :)

You can also reference devices in your machine. The syntax for that is device.DEVICE_TYPE.DEVICE_NAME.PLACEHOLDER. For instance, to reference the value of a counter called your_mode_counter you would use device.counters.your_mode_counter.value. In the following example we show a slide when the value of the counter is above 5 in ball 3

#! slides:
#!   nearly_did_all_modes: []
  ball_started{ball == 3 and device.counters.your_mode_counter.value > 5}: nearly_did_all_modes

You can use all placeholder variables.

Subscribed config players

Sometimes you want to play a show, display a slide or enable a light when certain condition hold true and remove/disable it when the condition no longer holds. This would usually require two config player entries with two different events to add and remove the show (or light). However, MPF supports subscriptions in config players for certain (not all) variables.

This is an example:

#! lights:
#!   led4:
#!     number:
#!   led5:
#!     number:
  "{machine.test_machine_var == 23}":
    led4: red
  "{current_player.test_player_var == 42}":
    led5: red

If will turn led4 to red once the machine variable test_machine_var becomes 23 and turns led4 back to off once test_machine_var becomes something else. Same for led5 and player variable test_player_var.


  • == equal
  • != not equal
  • > greater than
  • >= greater than or equal to
  • < less than
  • <= less than or equal to


  • + add
  • - subtract (or negative if there's no space after it)
  • * multiply
  • / divide
  • ^ power (exponent)
  • % modulus
  • ^= bit xor
  • not
  • and
  • or

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