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The Mission Pinball Framework contains an auditor that can be used to create audit logs of switch events, game events, shots made, and player variables. The exact behavior of what is (and isn't) included in the audit log is controlled in the Auditor section of your machine configuration files. Here's a sample audit file:
ball_search_begin: 0
ball_started: 1
game_ended: 31
game_started: 41
machine_init_phase_1: 0
machine_reset: 29
average: 15634
- 71130
- 59840
- 50190
- 47490
- 39350
- 33350
- 25700
- 24890
- 21980
- 21670
total: 31
AirRaidRamp: 3
DropTarget: 99
FullRightOrbit: 5
Inlane: 54
LeftOrbit: 13
LeftRamp: 4
OrangeStandups: 11
Outlane: 14
RightRamp: 7
Slingshot: 105
WeakRightOrbit: 6
ShooterLaneL: 20
alwaysClosed: 0
buyIn: 0
captiveBall1: 22
captiveBall2: 10
captiveBall3: 2
centerRampExit: 16
coin1: 0
coin2: 0
coin3: 0
coin4: 0
coinDoor: 0
craneRelease: 0
down: 0
dropTargetD: 9
dropTargetE: 51
dropTargetG: 45
dropTargetJ: 38
dropTargetU: 47
enter: 98
esc: 80
fireL: 0
fireR: 122
flipperLwL: 400
flipperLwL_EOS: 388
flipperLwR: 440
flipperLwR_EOS: 434
flipperUpL: 364
flipperUpL_EOS: 360
flipperUpR: 440
flipperUpR_EOS: 436
globePosition1: 108
globePosition2: 108
inlaneL: 40
inlaneR: 38
leftRampEnter: 24
leftRampExit: 8
leftRampToLock: 4
leftRollover: 136
leftScorePost: 42
magnetOverRing: 0
mystery: 8
outerInlaneR: 30
outlaneL: 22
outlaneR: 6
plumbBob: 0
popperL: 36
popperR: 20
rightRampExit: 14
rightTopPost: 28
shooterR: 106
slamTilt: 0
slingL: 134
slingR: 76
start: 47
subwayEnter1: 16
subwayEnter2: 16
superGame: 0
threeBankTargets: 22
ticketDispenser: 0
topCenterRollover: 24
topRampExit: 6
topRightOpto: 36
trough1: 120
trough2: 96
trough3: 96
trough4: 96
trough5: 96
trough6: 74
troughJam: 76
up: 0
Note that in the 'Player' section, the auditor will track the average,
the Top 10, and the total numbers of each item. You can configure all
this (including how many of each item it records) in the auditor:
section of the configuration file`.
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